
Can you see yourself being part of the invention of the future?

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Can you see yourself being part of the invention of the future?




  1. That is a Iffy question . I'LL just have to wait and see .

  2. yes, very much.

  3. No, I do not think I would want to be a part of any invention, I am not going to say why? but I, think you get my message.

  4. yes.  My husband has an AMAZING invention in mind.  It has to do with having a "live" picture on your wall.  Just type in "Niagra FAlls", and you can see it- what's happening right then.  Or type in something from overseas, or the beach, or any big "sight".  He wants to get permission from every owner of every property to place a high camera there.  It will be internet based.  He's got a name in mind, but I rather not say right now........

  5. well, i could see myself making something fun and creative..  (but not life- changing)    i dont have the brains. or the patiennce to be all bored in front of a computer screen, trying to figure out the sum of Pi.

  6. Yep. I can see myself a machine from the neck down.

  7. if you just mean inventing the future than ofcourse i might be young but i'll make myself useful

  8. With or without me, the future will happen. Although being a big part of it would be nice.

  9. oh god,, that would be quite.. AMAZING

  10. No....I hate change!!

  11. All one has to do is to backwards, to retrieve what worked!

    and add that to improvements. Industry made in USA for one.

    "Life is to be lived forward but understood backwards."

  12. Yes I think so.

  13. instant water pollutant free hydrogen oxygen mixture looks like a nipple on a neck chain no more draught Vitim's and a supply of uncontaminated water ... well yes i can somtimes lol

  14. No because I don't believe in the " future".The reason is I believe that you would never be able to touch the future or see it. Throughout your life span it will always be the now and the past. If a car is being made you can't say that it will be finished in the near future. What if someone for some oblivious reason puts it to fire? What if it was forgotten? The " future" is not predictable. You don't say that five years ago I thought last night is the future. It is kinda like what we think will happen when we die. Some people say that in the future they will die and go to heaven or h**l. Not everyone believes that. The future is more of a perspective to me. Sorry for such a long answer.

  15. ha no. lol.

  16. As humans we tend to resist change on the whole. Its something we need to work at (well most of us ). Embracing that which has an unknown outcome always carries a risk of some sort but the thing is, if we are not part of the change process then we will have absolutely no control or input into the likely outcome. There is at the moment an awesome social, evolutional and naturel change taking place within the world. The children from yesteryears generation are now the main stay of society (some were in the region of late/20s early 30 to mid 50 roughly speaking ). The digital age is here, bill boards are no longer being pasted with paper ads, we have moving ones on digitasl screens. Mobile phones are now common place and you are odd if you don`t have one. (so they tell me). We are seeing benifits if we deal with our bills on line, which will in time be common place. It will be be a shock to generations to come to think we actually sent paper bills through the post! What will become of the post office I wonder....................... I could go on but........I am away to embrace the changes and be part of the evolving world as I see it..... and I need to get some stamps and do the shopping..........I could do it all on line though...........mmmmmm that would give me more time to finish stuff for work which I could save to my flash pen which wouold mean I wouldn`t have to take a bag to work.......but where would I put my lunch though.............

  17. Hi Rita, I can see myself as a futuristic cyborg, this is for sure, lol

  18. We all are, for better or worse, by action or default.   I've been trying to do something about it for more than 60 years, most actively through Green and associated movements over the past 50.    I must have messed up, mustn't I!  But it's not all my fault.  Go for it.

  19. Yes, why not, that is if I am still around, I would love to be a part of the future.

  20. Yes, definitely. I want a revolution.

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