
Can you send telepathic messages?

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Im a little telepathic... I've done sending & receiving telepathic exercises with my friend & I got umm like 7/8 out of 10 right answer (receiving). But in sending Im Zero!! no matter how hard I try. why I can receive but cant send? And why I only can receive messages from the people Im emotionally attached like tight friends & family? What should I do to get better? Is it healthy to do these telepathic games?

No rude answers please.....




  1. I think we all could if trained properly but we're not so we don't.

  2. i send, but when you send every one hears, lol they think your nuts for talking out of your head. ,but i do sence alot of lies and other stuff

  3. Believe it or not I can make certain people do things... simple things.. Not everybody can except it... Mostly smart people are the easy ones to do it to.. You really have to practice at it very hard. Concentrate, block everything out of your mind and just work on what you want to do!!! If people say It's B.S. those are the easy ones,those are the ones I go after... Let me know how it goes!

  4. Of course not.  If people could that would be VERY EASY to show in a controlled experiment.  No one ever has, so it is pretty obvious that you can't.

  5. i can't do it. but the look on my face will tell anyone how i feel

  6. You can't send or receive because telepathy does not exist.  If you are testing your ability and coming up with near-perfect results I think your test procedure really needs some improvement.

    I could be wrong, so go ahead and take the old man's million.

  7. You have to be open minded to send...although, are you sure you want others to read you!? Its much better to know what others are thinking rather than for them to know what your thinking, Yes?!!

  8. I have done both but am better at sending.  i have two friend who are better at receiving.  Who knows ?

  9. i don't believe its real so my answer would be you can't get better

  10. no,i can't. it's impossible.

  11. Only if no one receives it.

  12. Absolutely YES!

    In spite of all those who deny it, YES!

    Maybe it's not that much your problem, but your friend's, even if you think he's that good.

    One must silence their mind in order to receive - maybe you're better than him at doing this.

    Besides, there are no words that you send/receive, there are feelings and images; it'll be harder to communicate this way with people you barely know - there is always some sort of wall of suspicion when it comes to strangers.

    I never heard of anyone complaining it wasn't safe - not to mention it is fun! And practising you will only get better ;)

  13. Expanding your mind telepathically is very healthy and good for your mind. By doing so you will get even better at these skills. They say there is so much of our brain that is untapped and most people settle for just basic brain skills for normal everyday living. Read some books on the subject and develop better skills by practicing brain exercises. Now here is a brain exercise so as to get better: Try this simple exercise first. Imagine a ball of light in the center of your brain, then concentrate on making this light brighter and brighter until the brightness of it covers your entire head. Then imagine the light expanding out covering your entire body. Did you see in your imagination the light filling your entire body? If you did, you may notice that your head became a bit warmer from all this. Could it be that by creating a light with your imagination you were in fact creating an actual energy? One of the results of light is warmth and the feeling of warmth should suggest to you that the light you created with your mind is very real.  Also note that really anything you create with your mind has a possibility to become real. With sufficient skills and practice, you may even become psychic. Now wouldn't that be cool.

  14. I know,

    that happens to me with my g/f, some times she is thinking

    about telling me some thing and without telling me I tell her

    about it,

    and actually yesterday I was going to ask her some thing

    and with out saying a word she told me, and actually she is like 5000 miles away,

    it is really weird, I dont know if that is what yo mean,

    bt that's what happens to me,

  15. I am sending you a telepathic message about how nice you look. Have you received it?

  16. try text messaging, rite now i am using telepathic to send u a message, did u get it? i told you to shut the f**ck up :)

  17. You answered your own question.  You can "receive" because you are emotionally attached.  You know these people.  You are sympathetic, you have empathy etc.  for these people.

  18. Telepathy is very real..

    people recieve telepathic messages all the time...

    i have someone who is very close to me, and have not seen him for years..(for reasons) and i pick up on him all the time, i know his movements, his thoughts,..i do write them pretty sure he picks up on mine...

    5 years ago we were sitting there together, having a deep conversation... but there was something else on my mind,i wanted to tell him something, but couldnt...something that had never been brought up, or he would never of known what was on my mind...and we were talking about something completely different...still to this day im really amazed with it...he excused himself for a couple of minutes..and as he walked out the door, he stopped in the door way, and looked at me, and said "dont worry i feel the same way".... i yelled at him, "how did you know"? and he looked at me and smiled...still to this day i dont know how he did it...he tapped right into my mind...on my thought.....hes very telepathic....i have not seen him for 5 years, nor have we spoke and early this year i had something going thoughts were on him, when one day i had a very strong urge to look in the paper. under messages....i looked quickly but found nothing, then another strong urge came telling me to have a second look, this time i found it...i could not believe what i was reading...i cut it out and still have it.......

    im not sure on the techniques of practising sending messages, to one another, it just happens for me....

    i had  one unbelievable telepathic conversation with someone i knew who was passed away, i had a near death experience....and we were talking through our minds, instead of our mouths...and the thoughts sounded just like our was amazing

  19. Yea, do you feel me?

  20. I think so.....if you believe something usually it turns out to be a Yes,

    It is called Faith.

    I think I know it everytime someone thinks of me....My brain alerts me and I think of them.  Especially the ones who ones is close to.

    I don't like it when someone Not So Nice thinks of me...because it just reminds me of the evil they did.....or rather.............the evil influence they succombed to.

  21. Yes...I used to do it too much..or else the other person was doing it. Be careful about this...sometimes you might think that because this happens between you and someone else that you are soul mates etc. Just because someone is psychic or telepathic doesn't mean they're a good person. I found out the hard way.

    I think this usually happens the most in families...or people who are closely connected. I don't think that it's because you are familiar with that person and their ways. I think it's strictly a spiritual thing....or a mental thing. (That person was TOTALLY different from what I thought he was like.)We were "bonded"...but it wasn't a good thing.

    EDIT...mirko...oops! just met someone who thinks it can be dangerous!! lol You won't realize this can happen (like happened to me) till it happens to you. I think we have a tendency to think people are "holy" or special if this happens. It's just not always true.

  22. I cannot do it, keep practicing, as with anything, the more you try the better you usually get

  23. Yes I and every other human being can send telepathic messages (or possibly just use ESP) at least according to the scientific evidence which consistently shows a 33% hit rate where chance would predict a 25% hit rate. Some populations (Juliard students) showed hit rates of 75%.

    Not knowing what (if any) testing procedures you are using I can only speculate as to a possible reason. However, that being said I'm guessing that perhaps you are better at blocking out (or ignoring) other stimulation from the normal senses than the other people you are attempting to send to.

    While there is yet to be a solid explanation for why emtionally attached sending pairs (siblings, couples, best friends, etc.) have a higher hit rate than not attached pairs (strangers) all the experimental data does support this being the case so in that regard you are normal.

    I would suggest that you practice (any skill practiced well will improve that skill) and that you follow the Ganzfeld protocols as cloesly as you are able to (you might not have access to lab equipment but the orginal protocols are a good start).

    No psychological disorders have ever been caused by parapsychological testing.

    So, for online practice try the first link below.

    For a very basic replication of an old experiment try the book listed below.

    To use the Ganzfeld procedure review the link below.

    If you need help designing this experiment please feel free to contact me.

  24. Not sure. I do rather accurate predictions, such as thirty consecutively correct die rolls. Its predictions unless I was pulling the thoughts from my friend's head. The reason I assume its predictions is because I have dreams about things that end up happening. Sometimes I'll make ironic jynx-like comments and it ends up happening even though the chances are remote. Hmm...could possibly even be both predicting and telepathy. It would be kind of hard to distinguish between the two.

    How do you know when its telepathic?

  25. How did I know you were going to ask this question?

    I think Telepathy is cool if you can do it, but I think its a lot down to knowing people a lot better than you think you do.  Ie, if you know a friend or relative (ie sibling / twin) to the nth degree, then you become intune with their thinking.  Their moods, and their actions.

    I do find it amazing that some people can tell when someone they care about is in trouble even though they havent spoken.

    I sometimes have "telepathic" experiences which I usually right off as coincidence!  Such as when my partner texts me, 90% of the time I get the text as I am checking to see if she has text me.  But at the same time, this may be a change in the air waves that I dont realise I notice..

    Basically, i have no idea if its healthy, real or positive to do what you are doing, but if you have a gift use it.  Use it for good.  Get yourself some lycra pants, a mask and go stop villains.  You can do this stealth like as your not sending anything.  But you will be able to predict what they are doing because you can receive!

  26. Yes, I telepathically "suggested" you ask this question.

    Now I'm "suggesting" you give me best answer.

    Later, I have some interesting "suggestions" (hubba, hubba).

    Ooops, maybe too rude? Don't block me.....

    Try web searching for mental excersizes. I think relaxing is important. You need to clear your mind when receiving.

    Maybe we can set up a time where we all try and send you the same message (without telling you) and you tell us what you received?


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  27. First, there is no harm in practicing telepathy.

    Second, you may be psychic and other members of your family as well as your friends may not be.  It is up to the receiver to receive the messages and not up to the sender to send them "correctly."  Do you see what I mean?  Ha Ha; a little joke...

    Third, How do you get good at anything: practice, practice, practice.

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