
Can you sense if a girl likes you?

by  |  earlier

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What are some things to take notice of?




  1. eye contakt

  2. If she does anything in her power to get into some sort of contact with you.

    Bumps into you, calls you a lot, or sends random text. uses flirtatious sarcasm, makes eye contact with you, gets shy around you or really smiely stuff like that.

    If you think she likes you or have a gut feeling she might there's a 85% chance that she does. Just don't come onto her until it gets REALLY obvious that she wants you. Then, ATTACK! Lol.

  3. Like the other person said, she'll try to be around or stay in contact with you somehow. Or she might do stuff like walk in front of you to get your attention and smile when she looks at you. Also, she might get a nervous look on her face if she see doesn't expect to see you somewhere.

  4. Like if they look at you for quite a long time and then you happen to look back, then they just look away real fast. That's just one.

  5. check out "Jordan Louis Beware lyrics"...

    everything he tells you to beware about, it is because the girl likes you..if you notice something of that nature...beware because she likes u

  6. yeah if a girl makes eye contact with you, but holds it that's a good sign

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