Our political arena has become much like our penile system, we're trying to punish AND rehabilitate and we're doing neither one very well. Our political landscape has come to a cross-roads of some sort. Whether it leads to some form of socialism or utopianism or fascism seems yet to be determined.
On one hand, you have the Liberals, who believe that things like healthcare, minimal housing and food should be the right and privilege of ever citizen. The also believe in the spirit of entrepreneurship and a commitment to excellence. Liberals believe that if a person doesn't have to scramble just to exist, then they will be called to personal excellence.
Then there's the Conservatives. They believe that people who are unable to support themselves are the architects of their own demise. Conservative religious views and a weighty interest in the world of Finance are guiding forces among many of them. They see themselves as the backbone of the World, and in many ways they are correct.