
Can you share historical or personal examples where you observed that religion has been a repre?

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Can you share historical or personal examples where you observed that religion has been a repressive or negative force in society?




  1. parochial schools routinely were allowed to BEAT CHILDREN as late as the 70's. this is no longer allowed, and should never have been. priests and nuns have no education backround to teach. they posed as teachers for the money.

  2. The total number of deaths due to the crusades had been estimated at around nine million. (Robertson, History of Christianity: p168)

  3. I would use the crusades. Remember it wasn't just Muslims the Christians killed, they killed Jews, and Asian Christians also. Also, look up what the Chruch did the the Cathars, really bad stuff.

  4. Besides the ones listed above, how about the whole creationism/evolution "debate" that shouldn't be a debate at all!

    The lies and misconceptions spread about science, discovery, thought, intelligence and thinking for oneself?

    All because a handful of people decided a few decades ago that the bible had to be taken literally.

    The church used to be a leader in funding scientific thought.

    Who decided they had to be "enemies?"

    Not scientists!

  5. Yes.

  6. 9/11

    The Crusades

    The Holocaust

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