
Can you share your opinions on these hockey thoughts?

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1) What happened to all of the fun commercials for food? I mean where are the old Planters Peanuts commercials, Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef”, Oscar Myer wiener, Tang, Ovaltine, and Beachnut (do they still make stuff? I could go for some now.)? Enough with the freaking car commercials already! Agreed?

2) Will the little puck bunny girls go crazy over Steven Stamokos? Or are the Lightning not worthy of the little boy-crazy bandwagon?

3) To not be a jinx, I refuse to talk about the series, so to talk around the subject…Does it seem as if people (fans, broadcaster, reporters, commentators, etc.) are becoming more idiotic is the seasons go on? Were fans smarter in the 50’s and 60’s? What about the media? Were they more intelligent half a century ago?

4) If Speed Skaters wear Spandex to make them less wind resistant on the ice, why don’t hockey players do this? I know with pads, it would look pretty stupid, but hey, if you skate faster who gives a c**p? Right?




  1. 1. doublemint Twins, green giant, tootsie roll tootsie pop (how many licks). cars = dumb. agreed.

    2. it's inevitable

    3. can't argue w/ you. i saw game 2 of round 2 at JLA, and wings fans were hysterically ignorant (a good chunk of them). the media "tries to force the shoe on, but it doesn't fit", because they have to focus more on the other 3 sports (at least in America). detroit sportswriters and radio talk show hosts are clueless.

    4. protection is more important than speed. (if you ONLY compare the two). it's difficult to outskate ALL five of the skaters.

  2. 1)  It's all about the beer Haley..............all about the beer!

    2)   Most of the hockey fans in Tampa are geriatric age (like myself), they'll say.............what a cute little boy.  The puckbunnies are still chasing BJ Upton

    3)  I have to think about this one.  Ron Greschner mentioned this about a month ago about how all sports fans seem less knowledgeable in the internet age (and he wasn't just talking about hockey).

    4)  Speed is just one element of this game.  But let me leave you with this thought

    Zdeno Chara or Derek Boogaard in skin tight spandex, with bulges for their equipment (shoulder pands, shin pads, etc.

    God, that image makes me puke!

  3. 1). There still messing with Sasquatch, but I miss the Snapalope commercials and stuff like that too.

    2).Maybe in other states but I don't think there are many girls left in Fla. mostly older snowbird seniors. More Chelli's crowd.

    3).No just back then they spoke there mind without the concern of being bias or a homer!!!

    4).Sounds like a commercial...Hockey & Spandex when  "sweet" meets "rugged"  kinda like Chuck norris in a pink sweater....No thanks!!!

  4. 1. Beechnut? How 'bout a stick of Beaman's?

    2. Is he cute?  I am sure once they see SID doesnt have it in him to Win a CUP, they will push Stamkos and make him the NEXT ONE! So yes, bunnies everywhere....

    3. Fans know more about the game than they did in the 50s. The game has evolved so much since then. The game is ever evolving, just ask Therrien.

    4. How bout I come down and hang out with you in my Speed-O? And we can talk about lumpies and stuff.

  5. I refuse to answer any of these questions on the grounds....well...on the grounds that they may make me look more a fool than I already am.

  6. 1. I detest car commercials, almost as much as budget cell phone ads.

    2. Yes and yes

    3. I wasn't around then, but I'd wager yes. One football refercne during a VS. game will convert a nonbeliever

    4. Ha, I thought you meant imnstead of pads...the hockey socks are s**y Homes, the hockey socks are s**y.

  7. 1) People, including marketing people and corporate executives, are basically just sheep.  They see something cool, they copy the basic premise.  It's a cycle.  Someone who is not a sheep will come up with something cool somewhere down the line and we will get an upswing again.

    2) He will get his.  Careful what you wish for.  Perhaps you could start the trend?

    3) I think this is because there are more hockey fans now and they have not caught up with the learning curve yet.  There were fewer hockey fans in those days, but those that were fans were passionate, knowledgeable fans.  Bettman is getting his wish, the fan base is growing.  It will take a little more time for the new fans to catch up or start dropping off.

    4) That is along the lines of what they tried to do with the RBK Edge sweaters although not for the reason you stated.  I think with the equipment it would defeat the purpose of streamlining their bodies though.

  8. 1) Before I get to my answer, I most say I almost missed the comma on the "Oscar Meyer wiener, Tang" area (Oscar Meyer weiner tang?).  They're all still paying for those Super Bowl commercials back in February.

    2) I thought there was just old people in Florida....

    3) I think as a society we are all getting stupid.  And it doesn't help when they mess with funding for schools.  But I'll save that rant for the Politics section.

    4) Fast doesn't always mean better.

    I'm pretty sure that line can go with anything but auto racing.

  9. 1.) Definitely.  All I see are car commercials, Edge shave gel, and Dockers pants commercials.  I want to DIE.

    2.) Girls in Tampa go crazy over Lecavalier, except he's getting old, so maybe Vinny's gonna pass the bunny torch to Stamkos.

    3.) I think so.  There definitely were fewer bunnies back then.

    4.) Haha, I don't think the spandex would help.  But if you like spandex on hockey players, I'm not one to judge ;-)

  10. 1. Agreed! More Hooters commericals please.

    2. No, actually, Stamkos is raising his own private army of puck bunnies so he can wage war on Crosby and his bunny army.

    3. Sorry, I have only been alive for a decade and a half.

    4. Because then it would look like wrestling!

  11. 1) I know what you mean. Most food commercials now days are just lame. I am very sick of that stupid  shaving cream commercial also

    2)Yup. Stamkos is a Blonde decent looking kid. The bunnies will have a Field day. Buy your ear plugs now to protect from the squeals  

    3)I was not born then. So I can only guess. But it also seems that most people now days have a lack of manners anyway Also the more media today may contribute. Some people see that one really stupid fan in the stands that they always show on the Tv They may think that is the way to act an sporting event

    4)Some hockey pants have spandex on them.The new Jerseys were the NHL's step in that direction. But I think most players are fast enough on their own it is about leg strength . The spandex is more for wind Resistance. Not too much of that during a hockey game anyway

  12. 1) Pretty sure they're all in business but have probably been bought out by larger corporations. All the brands are still there, though. As far as the fun ads go, I guess they've used up all the good ideas.

    2) I'm not much of a judge of talent in that particular area. I could probably tell you which puck bunnies are hot though.

    3) It was much easier to look like a well informed fan when there were only six teams to display your knowledge of.

    4) Now I know you don't want to see me in spandex.

    Speed is just not important enough to put men in spandex. Then you'd have to give all the players those funny little accents, shave their legs, give 'em pedicures, name them all Serge. OOooooooooohhh, that's not right!!!!!

  13. 1) Haven't seen a really good commercial on any type of television program in years. Here in Canada we get a Subway monkey commercial every 30 seconds or so.

    2)Is he going to sell Gatorade too? These girls will all grow up someday and look back at their puck bunny days in horror.

    3)I think it is just easier today to show everyone our stupidity, we used to just share our ideas with those in our own communities, now we share worldwide.

    4) Why not?

  14. 1.) Agreed! Most commercials are pretty much idiotic nowadays. Maybe they don't want to promote obesity? Pfft, please

    2.) Don't worry, there WILL be BUNNIES. (Rod Brind'amour has puck bunnies, you know)

    3.) Well, I'd say with every team you have fans who are more knowledgeable and intelligent than others... whether or not there were more of them back in the day, I don't know, but I wouldn't doubt it. In terms of the media - I think they've always been idiotic.

    4.) Not that bad of an idea! Although when I imagine them with the pads on, a show-cut poodle comes to mind...

  15. 1) Tell that to the major television networks. As long as they have money in their back pockets, they don't care.

    2) I believe so, yes. I might start calling him baby-face Stamkos, cuz he looks like his face hasn't grown since 12 years old. Can't wait to see HIS playoff beard.

    3) I think broadcasters/reporters/commentors must act more idiotically to put their messages into words today's America can understand.

    4) Don't give Bettman any ideas. He already has attempted to shove this "streamlined jersey" stuff down our throats.

  16. 1) "It takes two hands to handle a Whopper!" (Burger King)

    Only good car ad I saw was for the Nissan 300Z when they used Van Halen version of "...You Really Got Me" In some kids' playroom, Ken is waiting for Barbie to come down from her dream house. Barbie is dressed all proper. Meanwhile , some GI Joe dude is driving his toy 300Z across the floor and gets to Barbie's house. She looks out, and he's leaning against the car and nods his head, like"C'mon, check out the car."  Barbie comes down dressed like a total s**t, and drives off with GI Joe. Poor Ken!

    2) They are all giddy in their little school girl outfits waiting for him to take pics of himself and put them on the internet.

    3)There were less players to follow and fewer teams, so you got to know about each player a bit more. Hockey cards seemed more popular also, so it was another way of getting info. Players also stayed with one team longer, which was true of all sports back then. Now you just have access to a database or surf the net and have all the info you need.

    4)Well, it is a bit different when you are skating 500 meters or up and down the ice.  The bulges would get in the way, no?

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