
Can you shoot a Scot from the walls of York after dusk?

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I've heard of an old, unrepealed law where you can stand on Yorks city walls and shoot at a Scot with your bow and arrow

after sundown. Is this true and HOW would you know it was a Scot,please dont tell me I,m rascist because I'M Scottish!!!




  1. hey babe im scottish too and i wondered this a while back so i looked it up and found

    "In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow"

    I also found

    "In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter"

    That will be right lol

  2. you will recognize a scot by his kilt,and in his left hand would be a haggis and in his right would be a sheep,he would also be wearing wellies on his feet,and will shout "ock aye the noo"and "donald where's yu trusers,they should be aproached very carefully as they have been known to expose whate is dangling under their kilts,so make sure you are armed with a magnifying glass so you can spot their somewhat meagre dangly bits.see you jimmy.

  3. yes, i heard this too.  We were on a ghost walk in York at the time, it was late, it was dark and we are Scottish !

    Lived to tell the tale though

  4. I believe that this is true because of 'Scottish invasions' which reached even further south during the '45 under Bonnie Prince Charlie, getting as far as Derby.

    According to a history answer I once saw from a pupil, the Scots were not impressed. He wrote, 'When the Scottish army saw Derby, they immediately went home.'

    However, there are so many case decisions in Common Law and in Statute Law that supersede the old law, that you would be well and truly shafted in a modern court case.

    I am intrigued by the distinction between 'shooting AT a Scot' and possibly shooting a Scot. "I only shot AT him, Your Worships but I didn't mean to hit him. Honest." Clever lawyers might have to argue the point.

    Now as to the practicality. As you mention 'after sundown', it would be difficult to see a rebellious Scot, let alone identify him or aim at him.

    As you know, under confusing circumstances, such as in fading light or in mist, there is the age-old tradition of defenders calling, "Who goes there?" or "Friend or foe?"  (Seems to be asking for it, if you ask me.)

    I have it on shaky authority that in the case of York, one of those quirks which occur in war was agreed in order to identify friend from foe. Just to be fair, you see. In the gloom, if a movement was heard, The York defender would cry out, "What's worn under the kilt?"

    If the intruder were indeed a Scot, he would know the expected reply: "Nothing's worn under my kilt. Everything's in perfect working order."

    O.K., so you asked for non-racist comments - but the Scots are not a 'race'. They are a proud nation, and, just like the Sassenachs, of the Caucasian race.

    I am pround to be a quarter Scottish. I won't say which quarter in case I visit York again and I am shot at from the walls. (Still, I do know the expected reply if challenged. Do you think this would be accepted by, say, traffic cops?)

    Best wishes to you and to all Scots and go 'Salmond-fishing', as we are all one people, with all of our own talents, traditions and attributes. We cannot afford to lose one another.

  5. If it is true I'd better hone my bow as I'm a Yorkist born and bred.

    By the way the view isn't too good from the walls nowadays after sundown so I think you're safe to pay a visit. Unless we can commandere the York eye - great view from there so you could easiliy spot a kilt !! ;))

  6. Go for it only one way to find out.

  7. There are almost as many Scots living in York as they are in Irvine, Girvan or Troon I doubt that would go down very well..Now if you were living Leicester so much the better. You would be called rascist then.

    Nettie Aberdeenshire

    Love York, Chester and Willoubghy a big Scottish contigent live in these Beautiful Cities..we have nothing to compare to these...well excluding Glasgee of course.

  8. It is my understanding of the law that the most recent Act supersedes all previous legislation... including custom.

    Therefore any Act of Parliament subsequent to that ancient custom would cancel it out, if they have areas in common.

  9. the "see you,jimmy" hat,kilt,can of super brew and fish supper is a major give away. p.s not rasicst just don't take myself that seriously

  10. Yes you can,He will be wearing a kilt.

  11. Apparently yes.........A law that should have been repealed centuries ago.......

  12. This goes back to the days of William Wallace . Sir William duffed up Longshanks ( Eddie 1 ) at Stirling Bridge and proceeded to York which he duly captured with out great difficulty . Lot of history has  sadly been " lost " .

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