
Can you show me that you see another perspective by giving me the counter argument ?

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to your position on Palin's daughter? If you support abstinence only education, why do you think other people are against it? If you support comprehensive s*x education, why do you think people are against this? I am looking for a good assessment of the other side, not one that you agree with.




  1. First I think we can discuss the merits of s*x education without mentioning any ones names.

    I favor the comprehensive approach.

    Arguments against comprehensive s*x education might include...

    It is the duty of the parents, not the schools to teach s*x education.

    The comprehensive approach might seem an approval of the school to try s*x.

    The comprehensive approach may seem to be a course on 'how to' s*x.

    The comprehensive approach does not single out abstinence as the only method of birth control that works 100% of the time and is morally and spiritually prefered.

    Despite these arguments I think comprehensive s*x education is more effective.  I also feel that candidates families should be left out of the public eye.

    Obama O8

  2. Interesting question. I guess that people that support abstinence only assume that their children will listen to their parents, teachers, preachers..

    However in reality.. teens succumb to peer pressure, talk to their friends and heck even fall in love.

    Ah yes, I remember 17 well.. I was in love and I thought it would last forever. I also remember that I had s*x ed classes when I was 15/16 years old in 10th grade. In that class I learned that s*x is natural and how to protect myself from STD's and how to avoid pregnancy.

    Teens are going to do what they want to do unless you lock them alone in a room. Lets teach our kids the facts and the truth about s*x. Lets not revert back to 1950's thinking..  

  3. OK.  I support comprehensive s*x ed.  People are against this because

    A. they are ardently against premarital s*x and don't want their kids to consider it.

    B. they are against their kids hearing about how s*x even works at a young age, they want them to remain pure.

    C. they don't believe in contraception as it is a form of birth control -similar to their anti-abortion religious beliefs.

    I'll conclude with my rebuttle:  that these are nice romantic ideas, but comprehensive s*x ed is proven to prevent more unwanted pregnancies, abortions, AIDS, etc. than abstinence only education.

  4. i support a comprehensive s*x education program.

    i don't know all of the reasons why people are against it; however, here are some:

    some people believe that by teaching our youth how to practice safe s*x, it's kind of like we're giving them our permission to do so.  they're under the illusion that if we don't talk about s*x, kids won't have it.

    some people believe that the topics beyond abstinence only are things that parents/guardians should be teaching their kids to avoid any over-generalizations or conflicts of values/religion.  it would be ideal if parents would talk to their kids about s*x, but the truth is, many don't...or many don't have all(or the correct) information.  

    regardless of your religious, social, etc. are having s*x at younger ages, diseases are being spread, and unwanted pregnancy is on the rise.  teaching kids how to be safe & educating them so they can be truly aware of their decisions can do no harm.

    ..assuming that teaching kids about abstinence only will actually lead to abstinence only is like telling kids not to play with guns, but not giving them a reason why.

  5. Some people prefer abstinence.  In all practically, if practiced correctly, it is 100% effective at preventing sexual diseases and 100% effective birth control.

    Why does anyone think it is the government's job to teach s*x and s*x education.  Other than the biology of the matter, everything else is one's moral beliefs.  

    Having said this, I considered myself competent to explain the birds and bees to my son.  I explained the mechanics and popular birth control.  In fact, I paid for his condoms.  

    I understand that other people believe differently


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