
Can you sill get married if.........?

by  |  earlier

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the father hates the boy for some stupid reason

but the family and relitives like the boy and approve of the marrige




  1. Once your 18 you can do what you want

  2. Yeah

  3. As I understand it, the ruling is that if your wali doesn't like who you want to marry without having a good reason for his dislike, your Imam can take over as your wali just for this. however, it's not encouraged, as it can lead to disunity, so it's definitely a last resort i.e. you've already spent years trying to convince him.

  4. of course they can

  5. yes u can

  6. dont marry arabs

  7. if you want to yeah! whos gonna stop you?  

    encourage the father and the boy to spend time together, get to know each other and speak to the father - explain that you love him etc. and that you dont want to upset the father, but you love him .

  8. Please try to make him understand because your father has more rights on you than your loving to someone.

  9. Sure you can get married.....

  10. well, you have to work with a sheikh or an imaam.  The one that'd do the nikah.  The sheikh will suggest you things and try to talk to the father also (most chance).

    Mainly, according to the Qur'aan, the walee is the father, brother, grandfather, uncle etc. I don't remember the sequence.  So the imaam will try with the father, and if father is being stubborn without any islamically legitimate reason, then the imaam will ask for someone else from your family who's available according to the sequence in the Qur'aan, and proceed likewise.

    Edit: oh and do make istekhaara b4 making any decision inshallah.

  11. Yes u can, If ur father has no legitimate reason as to why he doesnt like him you can marry him. If the "guy" Fast's, pray's and fears God, then ur father cannot stand in ur way of marrying him. Ur wali can be ur brother or uncle.  

  12. You need some proper support if you are going to face this.

    Although Muslim parents traditionally play an important role in arranging introductions and helping to choose marriage partners for their children, both husband and wife must freely agree to the marriage. The Prophet granted girls who had been forced into marriages against their will the right to have their marriages annulled.

    Whatever you look at on the computer, you may need to delete the history for privacy.  This is how:

    Go to the top right of the screen you will see TOOLS click, then at the bottom of this you will find INTERNET OPTIONS click, then in the middle of this DELETE click, then DELETE ALL click, then tick the little white box "Also delete files and settings stored as add ons" and click YES, in the big box click OK.

  13. salaam, your wali would be your father. let me also say (from experience) that you should be open to why your father doesnt like him. marriage isnt always "happy in love" and in most muslim marriages there is a time when you will need your family to help you in a dispute. and if your husband knows that you dont have the support form your side.that it isnt as even as most other women.then he may tend to take advantage of you in some way. I know it may be hard to believe because now your so in love and think he will never do this. BUT TRUST ME........the honeymoon does end. and fights do happen. for example....... let me give you one. i know this lady who was so in love. her father didnt want. but she did anyway. then moved to his country. (they were from diffeent countries. this why the father didnt want.) after 12 years. the husband only wanted one child and ALWAYS WAS OUT WITH HIS FRIENDS. the wife didnt know what to do. he wasnt doing his duty as a husband. it was to the point of almost divorse. in Islam who would she turn to for help? (her family right?) when she did...........she was just told I TOLD YOU SO! no help. his family didnt help her  eighter, although they were kind. however...........i know another family who agreeded on a marriage and when her and her husband ran into problems....she went to them for help. (they were married for 6 years) and the family called a meeting between the two parties and demanded a solution. the husband here knew he had to kind to his wife or deal with her family. she wasnt alone and had to remember her wishes.  I hope from these stories you can se the value of having the support of your family behind you. as a wife.......i am happy i can turn to my family when i need help. sometimes you will need help and not want to spread your trouble to the world. and you know your family will help you and not judge you. having your family agree is very important. do your best to sek his aproval.  WHen i was a young one.... i was so in love with a man. my father didnt want this an as my husband. i demanded the marriage...... I was in love. i couldnt see why my fahter didnt want. i didnt cae eighter. within two years i was divorsed. sometimes our family knows us and our personality and they see when one's personality fits with the others. so when i was ready for marriage i made it my point to ask their advise. i knew they knew things about me and my personality that i couldnt see. and Alhamdullah, although i did find my husband on my own and introduced him to my family on my own.....they loved him and we have been married for almost 10 years. i give credit to how my family responded to him and i do think if they didnt like him i wouldnt have married him. because they know me. and i trust their thinking.

    if you have a man and you want to marry him. trust your fathers thoughts. and ask the young man to wait. and if he really wants you he will respect your father. remember this also. if he doesnt respect your fahters feelings..........then how will he treat your family after your married? if he was a good man he wouldnt marry you until he convincenced your father he was a good man. tell him to not take the easy way out. and marry without his agreement. tell him to work on your father.........take him out. show him he can support you and that your families will always watchout for eachother..... (play the old fashioned card for him if you must) but get him to see. you will earn his respect this way. dont rush........try for one year at least to turn your father around. good luck Rahmadon is comming. have him invite your father for iftar.........and you ask them to invite his family. inshallah this rahmadon will turn things around.

  14. Yeh you can if you really think he is rite.. but you should trust your dad and wait for a while to know him more..  

  15. there is nothing wrong in marrying him if you dad as you said hates him for stupid reasons but does your father say yes for this marriage? you need his approval and try to convince him.

  16. you need to go by yourself to see the imam with your future husband, as long as he is a muslim and you want him ... your father does't have the right to say no it is your choice ... but ask your imam for more details...

  17. naah hun that aint gonna work!!

  18. If you have ur mums permission and its only a silly reason then yes. As long as you know ur being sensible.

    Good luck!

  19. Don't get married.  We only have them to keep vicars away from jobcentres.

  20. There must be a few lines in your holy book that represnts your faith & situation?

    The Koran like the bible is pretty open to interpretation...

  21. If you are of legal age to marry then yes, you can marry whom you like without parental consent!

  22. actually no, it will be invalid, because marriage without the agreement of your Wali- your father here- is considered to be invalid.

  23. Who cares what the father thinks. Think about you being happy. You aren't going to spend the rest of your life with your father, your going to spend it with your husband. So if you love the guy tell your dad to grow up and deal with it.

  24. yes, why not!!

  25. Well I got married anyway. My father still don't like my husband. Oh well. Good luck.

    You shall marry him who Allah has destined for you. No-one can change that, except Allah of course. So I believe, if he's the one, then he'll keep returning until you actually marry him.

    Allah knows best.

  26. nothing can stop them getting married, it is their decision and their choice, end off. =] x*x

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