
Can you sky dive for the 1st time with out doing th tandom? i dont want some one straped to me i wanna go alon

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i wanna sky dive alone with out some one straped to my back!





    I did years ago..1976; but these days tandem is how they generally do it.

    There are three types of jumps:


    Static Line

    Advanced freefall.

    The website below offers an opportunity to static line the first jump. Static line is by yourself; they just have a line that pulls your chute once you clear the aircraft. You may have a back-up chute in case that one fails.

    Have fun.

    Static-Line Training Information

    The Static Line training program is the traditional way to learn how to skydive.

    Training begins with a morning and early afternoon ground school. The static line course will take approximately six to eight hours to complete. The course consists of lecture and practical instruction. Your first jump will be on the same day as the training course, that is weather permitting.

    On your first jump, your main parachute opens automatically after you exit solo from the airplane at 3,000 feet. Under radio guidance, you steer your "square" parachute to a soft landing.

    During subsequent jumps, you are introduced to true freefall and how to control your body and skydive safely with others. After a minimum of five static line jumps, which must include three satisfactory practice ripcord pulls, you are cleared for your first freefall. After your first freefall you will make at least 10 additional supervised freefalls from progressively higher altitudes and with more stringent guidelines. You will learn skills such as altitude awareness, maneuvering in freefall and jumping safely with others. At the end of the program you are certified as a "Novice parachutist".

    OK..I went on my first jump with my dad and brother. Like I said we did static line ..not tandem. My dad went first. All of a sudden we heard this "whump".  

    We thought my dad HIT THE PLANE..

    We said "oh my goodness" (or some facsimile) "is he ok?"  

    The Jump Master said "he is just fine". Apparently the big "whump" was the static line hitting the plane and opening the chute. (it is probably impossible for you top hit the plane as you exit..but what the heck did we know???).  To get out on the strut and arch your back or something (remember this was 1976..a long time memory is not crystal)

    I went by myself the first jump and so did my brother and my dad. Ignore the first responder that said you want to go tandem.

    You can do it. You guide the chute, rotate out of the wind if needed, and roll when you land. You have a radio strapped on and they talk you through the dive and thus you have guidance the whole way down.

    If you want to go by yourself, do it.

  2. Yes, there are still quite a number of drop zones that offer the course followed by a solo static line jump. That's how I learned.

  3. Sure. You have a static line and when you jump out the chute opens automatically. You also have a smaller chute at you waist - for emergency in case the big one doesn't open properly.

  4. You think you don't want anybody with you , but trust me first time .....when your up there you SERIOUSLY do , why don't you get a friend or close relation to go with you then , first time alone isn't really a good idea you need someone with loads of experience i guess, but if you want to do it alone then i guess its your choice , but personally i wouldnt go alone first time

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