
Can you smell the fear and dread from the Dems?

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Palin rules!




  1. Yes.  Why else would they be so desperately trying to smear her.

  2. LOL! You are really funny. It's the stench of the desperate Republicans that you're smelling. I can't believe the depths that this party goes to. Each year the level sinks lower and lower. However, this has to be the bottom. Was this woman the best that the Republicans can offer the USA? If so, the state of the States is more dismal than we all thought.

  3. sniff, I dont smell anything

  4. Palin did a great speech, but, I don't think anyone is fearing the VP choice.

    In fact, you folks know deep down that she is a more dynamic candidate than your actual presidential nominee.

  5. Actually, Obama got a bump in the ratings since McCain announced Palin.

  6. I think they are spooked.  For better or for worse, we live in a celebrity-obscessed culture, and Palin may turn out to be just as much a celebrity as Obama, but with better ideas and positions.

  7. if you think that we're afraid of the "re-energization" of the core evangelical far-right-wing cons with the introduction to the woman's equivilent of uncle tom... you're wrong.

    What we are HAPPY about is that America at large is FINISHED with far-right-wingers...a vast majority of America is beyond sick of being judged and looked down upon from the pulpit of the republican party...

    ... we WERE scared that the left wing would get lulled into subservience by the mild mannered John McCain... but all the hate and right wing evangelical propaganda stired up last night by Palin, is going to wake up everyone who can't stand the thought of the country capitulating to the religious right for another 4 years.

    I'm happy... the re-energization of the far right wing evangelicals is JUST what we need to wake up the moderates of this country, to vote democrat

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