
Can you solve this matching problem??

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Match the terms with the definitions??

1. skeletal system

2. endocrine system

3. immune system

4. reproductive system

5. muscular system

6. circulatory system

7. digestive system

8. respiratory system

9. excretory system

10. nervous system

A. regulates supply of gases from ATP production

B. provides negative feedback signals

C. protects body against foreign dangers

D. "rapid transit" for liquids and gases

E. primary "regulator" of sensory functions

F. provides support and means of motion

G. processes materials for growth and maintenance

H. makes cells used in circulatory system

I. only system in which meiosis occurs

J. takes out what's not wanted in the blood

Thank you!!




  1. 1. H

    2. B

    3. C

    4. I

    5. F

    6. D

    7. G

    8. A

    9. J

    10. E

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