
Can you solve this riddle for me??

by  |  earlier

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What was given to you, is exclusively yours but is used more by your buddies than by you?




  1. Well, I don't know. But it's not your name as everyone else said. Because you are constantly using your name. No matter what you do or say or think, your name is what your parents gave you and it's yours so you are constantly using it. Know where I'm coming from?

  2. Your Name!!!!!!

  3. i have to go against you guys.. Its your genital.. HEHEHE ^_^

  4. Your name.  Or your nickname.

    Heck, even your phone number.

    Your friends all use them way more often than you do, but they're all exclusively yours.

  5. your name (that's a good riddle)

  6. your name.

  7. your name  

  8. Id say name also

  9. Your name (or nickname because mates tend to use nicknames)

  10. Your name :)

  11. your FIRST name?

  12. ur name i guess^_^

  13. Your new girlfriend

  14. your name

  15. Your Name

  16. your name because it is yours but your friends say it more then you

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