
Can you solve this riddle....

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It's in Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Wi-Fi puzzle no. 25

Here's the riddle:

At the edge of town, there is a traditional private school with 10 boys, 10 girls, and a single teacher.

The school requires students to show proper respect to the teacher and other students by greeting the teacher and other students with one bow.

How many bows could you expect to see on a given morning?




  1. what if some are out sick? Each student bows to each other and to the teacher, so a least 20 bows for the teacher. Then each student bows to all the other boys and girls (so 9 x 19 (9 of the other gender and 10 of the opposite) plus the 20 bows to the teacher equals 191 bows.  

  2. i GOT IT!!!!! 441

    YAY ME!

    Now I am going to get a drink and a couple of asprins cause my head is hurting from thinking to much

  3. I think one, because its states one bow and they all would bow together one time.

  4. 380 bows per morning

  5. 20. All the students bow at once to the teacher and each other,, but it never says the teacher bows, only the students.

  6. 400

  7. 420

  8. 420

    21(total amount of people) X 20(bows a day) = 420

  9. ten, one for each girl wearing a bow.

  10. 21 bows would be seen on a morning. Each student is giving one bow to the other 19 students and the teacher. If each student has to bow once, and the teacher has to bow once, that would be a total of 21 bows.

  11. the answer is 0 kids are rebeluis and they dont bow

  12. 20. Each boy bows twice. Once to each girl and then to the teacher.

    Good Luck!

  13. Well, if they all bowed at once, one time that would be 20 bows. If the teacher bowed too- 21 bows. If they bow to each other 1 by 1 then.....!!!!BOOM!!!! *Head explodes*

  14. 55

  15. umm 20..for 20 boys.. or 21 including the teacher if he is a guy. because girls curtsy

  16. zero, none, big O...

    If anyone see someone starting to bow to them, they will bow back. If you bow you are looking at the ground. So you'll see no bow cause your looking down... :P

  17. 240

    10 girls. each girl bows to each guy = 100 bows

    10 boys.each boy bows to each girl=100 bows

    teacher bows to 20 students=20

    20 students bow to one teacher=20

    am i close? oh and also i forgot the guys and girls each bow to each other as well. so each guy bows to 9 other guys(90), and each girl bows to 9 other girls(90). so add 180 to my 240 and the total number  of bows are 420!!

  18. 120 bows

    or if they give a bow as they enter the room, (one per student) 21

  19. 400 bows

  20. three...

  21. I could expect to see zero bows because i dont go to that school

  22. Headache!

  23. it's definitely 10..


    10 students are required to greet the teacher and the other 10 wil bow!

    whoahh.. wild guess

  24. 21 i guess this is hard  

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