
Can you solve this?If you can solve this, you're logic is good..

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One day ‘A’ went to ‘B's place and they together went to ‘C's place. Then ‘C’ went to ‘B's place to get something and then to ‘A's place to get something else. ‘B’ also went to his place and ‘A’ went to where ‘C’ is. Tell me where A B and C are?




  1. B+C are at As place while A is at C's Place

    You can also found them in the alphabet LoL

  2. This is not philosophy, just wasting of time and eyesight baby

  3. B will feel cold becaus he is betwee AC  

  4. One day ‘A’ went to ‘B's place and they together went to ‘C's place.


    Then ‘C’ went to ‘B's place to get something and then to ‘A's place to get something else.

    C-->B and C-->A.

    ‘B’ also went to his place and ‘A’ went to where ‘C’ is. Tell me where A B and C are?

    B-->B and A-->A.

    So A is his place, B is at his place and C is also at A's place.

  5. A & C at A's place and B at his own place.

  6. A, B and C are all @ A's place.

    Because it says that B "also" went.... it follows that B did not go to his own place but to A's place which is C's last location.

    Therefore everyone is @ A's place.

  7. 'A' & 'C' are at ‘A’ place! 'B' is at his own (B) place!!!.

  8. all are at one place 'A'

  9. 'A' & 'C' are at ‘A’ place! 'B' is at his own (B) place!!!.  

  10. If you gave this 'riddle' to a super computer it will answer you: "What the h**l for?"  If you explain the logic behind this waste of time, I'll unravel it.  What will/can you do with the answer?


  11. A&C are in A 's place & B''s in B's place  

  12. A & C are at A's place and B is at it's own place!

  13. C at A's

    B at B's

    A is at his own place!

    Or if you read it a different way, B is at C's

  14. well A and C are at A's place.  And B is at his own place.  But, since this is a trick question, the 'right' answer is always wrong.  

  15. C B A

  16. Got it!! Finally everyone is in A's place..!!!

    Good question too.. You Rock!

  17. simple A nd c are at A's place ,Bis at his owns my logic good?i don't think so

  18. B is at his own place

    A,C are at A's place together

  19. A&C are at "A" and B is at B.

  20. A n C are at A 's place & B s at his own place ....

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