
Can you somehow train yourself to be a good conversationalist and witty/funny?

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I'm so frickin awkward!




  1. You have to know when to talk. When there's more than a two second pause after someone said something (without laughter) don't go for the witty comeback, it's too late for that. If they are laughing and it hasn't died down yet, go for it.

    Don't use like, um or and too much and don't stutter in your conversation. Talk slow, but think fast.

    Be up to date on everything! She's a republican? So are you. He's a Phelps fan? You saw his last race! She's got Ms. Teacher? You have information on the last assignment she gave. It's really easy to start a conversation when you're not doing the talking. Let them tel you all the details of the your "favorite" show you missed last night. Look interested - make eye contact, get excited when they do, pout your lip and raise your eyebrows at something sad, nod at things you know. Don't say "Yes, i totally agree!" because they'll expect you to continue the sentence with "Yes, I totally agree, Lupita shouldn't have pushed Brittany down the stairs - all she did was steal her boyfriend!"

    As with anything, it takes practice.

    Good luck!

  2. God I know what you mean.

    However from personal experience, I have found that if you just act like yourself, happy and nice, more than likely you will be a funny person.

    Good luck:-)

  3. ya

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