
Can you spray paint--?

by  |  earlier

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duct tape [or just regularly paint it]

or will it chip and/or peel off?

im making a duct tape wallet (:




  1. It will depend on the type of tape and paint that you use.  When you are opening and closing the wallet, or bending it, or just putting it in your pocket you will stretch the tape which, in turn, with stretch the paint.  You will need a durable paint that will stick to the type of duct tape you have chosen.  

    I found a few links that should help:

    Perhaps finding tape the color you want your wallet is an option?  Here is a link for decorator colors:

    Good Luck and God Bless!

  2. im pretty sure you could. that would be pretty sweet tho.

    make me one? haha jk

  3. Im sorry these folks have not used the tape I have used as duct tape is very good as a tape to keep paint off metal the paint chips right off it.  Buy colored tape for your project. It comes in about 12 colors. you should find one that will work.  You could TV and this one never worked.

  4. Duct tape has a sealer on it ,that is why it has many uses to it . allot of people use it to fix all. BUT there is a plastic spray paint that you might get away with using, that might work for you. Read the label  before you use the paint.

  5. well you can buy colored duct tape.

    my cuz made me a duct tape wallet with the teal/blue duct tape.

    try to spray paint it,painting wont look good.
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