
Can you stand on one leg?

by  |  earlier

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why do i find it hard to maintain my balence whilst i am on my left foot , and how can i improve my balence ?




  1. I don't know about improving your balance overall, but if you want to improve just for standing on one leg, then just before you go to stand on one leg, bend your knees (slightly) so you're in between standing and sitting (in air..) for a couple of seconds, then stand up properly and take one foot off the floor.

    Helps =]

  2. well dont do it drunk lol practice alot u will get there

  3. shut up

  4. Taking martial arts is very good for balance. Especially the styles that involve a lot of kicks. Try Taekwondo.

  5. get someone to hold it

  6. Keep practicing!  "Normal" balance for single leg stance is 30 seconds.  That's your goal.  Initially you may need to hold on, but ideally, you should be able to do this without using your hands.  Start on a hard surface with shoes on and hold for 10 sec.  Then progress to shoes off.  Then put a pillow or cushion down on the floor and try standing on that.  Be safe however!  After you've made it to 10 sec on a compliant surface, go back to the hard surface and try for 30 sec.  You'll be amazed how much easier it is!  Make it part of your daily routine.  Every time you go to the sink to get a glass of water or wash your hands, stand on one leg (your left until it catches up to your right).  Good Luck and Keep Trying!

  7. Just practice practice and practice and I;m sure you'll get it

  8. you want to improve your balEnce....suit you better to improve your spelling then maybe you can work on your balAnce.goddam tards with internet access that really is worrying

  9. hold your nose while you stand on your one leg.

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