
Can you start a 4 month old infant on Rice Cereal?

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My daughter is 4 months old. I want to try and start her on rice cereal. Can she?




  1. I think they (pediatricians) usually recommend that you wait until the baby is six months old.

    For my son, I gave him rice cereal at five and a half months.

    Some people said it would make him sleep better at night.

    It didn't.

    But, he liked eating it, so, that was fine with me.

  2. it depends on each individuall babby like my first one didnt start untill 6 months but my second started at three so if you as his mom feel that he is ready then i say go for it

  3. my son was about 4 months old when I started him on it. I started off by mixing it in with his bottle of formula so it was super runny. Every day or so, I would increase the rice cereal, and decrease the formula until he was able to eat the cereal at the right consistency. Worked wonders for us! 1 thing to try to avoid though, do not mix their fruit in with the cereal. They will get to a point where that is the only way they will eat the cereal is with the fruit mixed with it!

  4. I don't think it would hurt.  Kids r Us sells feeder bottles that work very well.  You add cereal or baby food in them and they baby can suck it out just like a bottle.  Some babies just need more calories than they can get from their formula.  Every baby is different.

  5. Try mixing it in her milk. Or, put it in a feeder. But, if you want to start feeding her, trying buying the baby foods and putting them in a feeder. The rice cereal never worked for my two daughters. It just didn't feel them up. The oatmeal was better for them. And, if she gets constipated put a little prun juice in her formula, or food.

  6. Yes, you can start your 4 month old on rice cereal. You will hear lots of opinions on this but it's fine. I did per my daughter's doctor's instructions. I am now switching to oatmeal cereal (which you might want to start off with) because it is less binding (constipating). My daughter's doc recommendations to start would be 2 tbs of formula/breastmilk and mix in the cereal to the consistency you want. Do it once to twice a day. Like morning and evening. The doc also said she doesn't want her on 3 meals a day til she's 9 months old. Like I said, every doc is different.

  7. they usually suggest 6 months. i would try to wait

    dont rush; theyre digestive system hasnt developed

  8. Depends, I tried mine on rice at 4 months and it totally blocked her up..then I went to barley  at 5 months and that worked well. I could of waited a bit longer as she was sleeping her nights at 6 weeks. If your daughter isn't sleeping well a bit of cereal can help just make sure its totally watered down.

    Each baby is different I hope this helps  good luck

  9. it wouldn't hurt, especially if she eats alot. mix it with whatever she is eating now (formula or breast milk) and if she won't eat it off a spoon, try a feeder bottle.

    you can also use apple juice if she is constipated and it will help.


  10. My pediatrician told us to start with rice cereal at 3-4 months of age (and my baby was born almost a month early).  The pediatrician did a test to see if she could hold her head up in the correct position when pulled from a laying down position to a sitting up position.  Your pediatrician will let you know.  Do not put it in a bottle.  Make it pretty runny at first.  When she gets used to eating it, then you can make it a little thicker.

  11. Rice cereal is empty calories.  Wait until six months and feed her baby oatmeal.

  12. Yes.  I had to start my son at 3 months because he was just so darn hungry all of the time.  At his 4 month checkup his pediatrician said that I could start him on cereal and baby food.

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