
Can you start dancing at 13??

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im 13 and i really want to start dancing. i started when i was 7 but had to give it up because i became ill and i only went for 3 weeks im thinking of starting again is it too late or have i still got a chance?




  1. Yes, any form of dance you could start at your age but what is the chance you are talking about? Do you mean the chance of making a career of it? If so, it would depend on your potential for a start.

  2. of can always start dancing...didn't you see Sabra on So you think you can dance last year? She had only been dancing for one year.  It just takes dedication, a good studio, and love for the art!

  3. Yes get to it!

  4. Yea! its best to start at your age because its always good to start young. There are alot of places where u can start

  5. of course! you can start dancing at any age.. just give it your best and you will suceed.

  6. as long as u have a will... u will accomplish whatever u have in mind... but what sort of dancing are u seeking to practice? anyway... as long as u're not scared of retrying ur first unfinished attempt... and sychologically fit... there is absolutely no problem unless u r scared or have a sychological problem

  7. Sure. Even some actors and actresses start at 13. Go for it. I did ballet once, when I was 6 or 7 but I stopped because ballet just wasn't me. Make sure that dance is something you really want to do. If you're not really sure, just try it. Do a year or 2 months of dance lessons to see if you like dancing. Which form of dance do you plan on doing?

  8. Go for it!!!

    Ive been dancing at a proffesional ballet studio since I was 3...Im now 14 :)

    What I have learned is...If theres a will, theres a way....corny saying but all so ture in dance!

    If you want it...make yourself have it!!!

    The only thing an art like dance...YOU NEED PASSION!! you have no passion???, dont even bother! :P

    Good Luck with whatever you choose to do!

  9. Certainly you can start at 13, since your body should be still soft enough to gain the required flexibility for dancing. However you will have to train hard to make up with those who started earlier.

  10. yes of course!

  11. u either can start or u cant , u either got Rhythm or u don if u've danced be4 n it was sucessful then yea go out n start gal cuz if u born to dance then dance ... dont think u no good if u cant get the moves staight away , i've been taught be the greatest shane sparks , mario u name it, ive represented my country 3 times in the world championships n done every style of dancing invented n sometimes ill also not get the moves actually quite often im like say what? ... anyone can dance as long as you feel the beat... u should start its amazing

  12. usually you have to start dancing when your like 6 or 7 to get any good I'm a Dancer so I know and where will you dance? are you taking classes?

  13. Go for it, your not to old.

  14. Go girl - It's never too early and never too late!!! Most important, listen to your heart - does it want to dance??!!

  15. i started when i was 12 . i'm 13 now (i'll be 14 in nov), and my teacher thinks i am already for pointe.

    so, sure go for it.

    you might not get on pointe for years though depending on how strong flexible and in shape your body is.

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