
Can you start gymnastics at 13 or 14 or...?

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would it be weird?? i really wanna do it but my mom said that if i wanted to do it i should have started a while ago :(




  1. Why not?

    If you wanna do it just do it!

  2. go for it!

    if its something you want to do go for it now while your still young, do you really want to look back on your life wishing you had tried it when you had the chance and didnt?

    its your life and you only get one!

  3. You can start it, but it way too late if you want to become an Olympic gymnast, who are usually Elite gymnasts by 13 or 14. Nastia Liukin was Elite at 12.

  4. you can do anything at any time. ill be honest, you might not become Olympic material, but you can still become good and have alot of fun. im 18 and still picking up new sports

  5. omg, i want to start to. i think i might. we should do it together. lol.

    answer mine please:;...

  6. If you can find a gym with a class for beginners in your age group then I don't see why not. Most beginners classes are for 4-6 year olds, but maybe you can go to those. You're 7-8 years behind girls your age in gymnastics. Don't go in expecting to be amazing or to be able to do everything right away, you'll end up really discouraged. Just go in with a good attitude.

    "You don't put an age limit on your dreams." -Dara Torres

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