
Can you start homeschool...........?

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At 9th grade, even if i have been being taught in a public school for most of my life. I live in the UK and its known at Year 8, also is being homeschooled good as being taught in a normal school, i was just wondering on how you exam. Also who teaches you, your parents or a qualified tutor?




  1. Okay, in the UK:

    i) Your parents do *not* have to take a test or be qualified or anything in order to home-educate you. The only 'qualification' they need to home-educate you is to be your legal guardians.

    ii) You can quit 'normaL' school and start home-education at any point and any age. You don't have to go to school at all in the UK if you/your parents decide otherwise; *Education is compulsory, school is not*. The law simply says your parents have to 'provide you with an appropriate education either at school or otherwise'.

    (hence the UK's national home-ed group is called: 'Education Otherwise')

    As you've been attending school tho. it is important that your parents de-register you properly, otherwise they are likely to fall foul of anti-truancy rules!

    iii) You need to be well-motivated, organised & self disciplined in order to homeschool successfully but, if you are those things, being home-educated can be heaps better for you and your future prospects than stopping at school

    iv) If you're parents can afford a qualified tutor and are willing to pay, you *could* be tutored but the overwhelming majority of home-educated kids will either be taught by their parents, teach themselves or find people in their community with 'real life experience' of a subject to teach them/apprentice themselves to.

    v) Heaps of home-educated teens in the UK eschew GCSEs and go straight to A Levels or vocational qualifications or the new Pre-U exams.

    Those who do choose to do GCSEs tend to do the IGCSEs (International GCSEs; these have no coursework, therefore no need to find and pay someone (acceptable to the exam board) to oversee and mark said coursework).

    Or they simply don't do any exams. There are other ways of getting to Uni/doing whatever it is that you want to do without needing to do any exams** -- check out the term *Unschooling* http://homeschoolaustralia.beverleypaine...   (this is how my siblings and I do all our learning)

    **In my country (Australia) only 32% of people at Uni are there on the strength of their HSC results (our equivalent of A Levels).

    The idea that you *MUST* have heaps of GCSEs and A Levels in order to succeed in life is a furphy; a myth that teachers and governments like to propogate because it justifies the continued existence of their jobs, their role in your life and your upbringing etc.

    Incidentally, home-educated kids in England do not have to do any SATS nor follow the National Curriculum.

    Check out Education Otherwise for further details on home-education in the UK:

    Also  for more info about home-ed

  2. Your parents have to take a test before they can be considered a qualified tutor.

    I have no clue on the exams.

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