
Can you start showing at week 6?

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I've always been a skinny girl. I'm 5'7 and I usually weigh about 120 lbs. I just got my BFP and I'm about six weeks pregnant. The reason I ask if you can start showing, is because I have a bit of a tummy now, and I've NEVER had one. I haven't changed anything in my diet and I go for daily walks with the dogs.So, is it possible that I'm already showing?




  1. um i think you may just be putting extra weight on around the tummy area because at six weeks the baby is very very tiny .... Its probably your body's way of getting ready for pregnancy  

  2. alot of times if you are showing at 6 its just bloating. the baby is really really tiny still like a grain of rice. and if its ur first i doubt it. its bloating

  3. I have a friend who is your size and she is super skinny. So as soon as she got pregnant within a few weeks she did have a little "bulge".

    Because you are so small just the fact that things are starting to move and make room for your uterus, can cause you to have a little extra there.

       At this point the uterus is still completely below your pubic bone though so you shouldnt start feeling that for another few weeks!

    congrats and good luck

  4. No..well..not really.  I'm 5'8" and 115lbs.  By 6 weeks I was out of my regular jeans because I was different in the tummy, but not really "showing"  I did show early because of how thin I am, but what you have now isn't "showing"'s just your body changing and preparing.  "showing" is when you have to switch to maternity shirts...although I never did that either.  I showed off my belly with ribbed tanks and stuff.  

    Anyhow, congrats!

  5. No. At 6 weeks your baby is the size of a grain of rice, and the uterus is still tucked way low in the pelvis. Most women will not show at 6 weeks even if they are having multiples. But women do experience bloating from gas and water retention, so if you're noticing a difference that's probably why.

  6. No, you're not showing, but you might be putting on weight, getting ready for the "long haul".  Congratulations!

  7. I am a skinny girl to and I am now coming up on 10 weeks. I thought I was showing at the same time as you but it just turned out to be bloating. Your stomach will sink back in, in about another two weeks and from eight to about 10 you will probably be ok with the bloating. Try to stay away from really fatty food, and eating large amounts of vegetables at one sitting. Drink alot of water. You will probably start gaining weight at about 12 weeks and start showing. Good luck hun!

  8. You sound like a little person and so it is possible you could be showing. Or you could just be a little "bloated." You are doing everything right so don't worry at all. Don't use it as license to eat whatever you want but don't stress about showing early or gaining weight, now is the time to nourish your body and baby, the right way of course. :) Good luck and congratulations.

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