
Can you start swimming at 19 and get good?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 and I want to try a new sport. I was thinking swimming or water polo, but the problem is I have no technique at all, so I would have to learn the basics in each style ( i do know how to swim, but I don't know how to swim freestyle, backstroke or butterfly style).

Can you be a good swimmer at my age? Compete and all? Or is it impossible?

(Sorry for the terrible english)




  1. If you want to swim at 19 years old, you have to go to a swim class but it's better if you started when you were young because you will get really good like my friend. So you can start a swim class now and get good! Good luck. I hope you will be a swimmer!

  2. well guess what i've started a little younger then you, i've started at age 18 and guess what i am really good .... and i get to compete and all... but here's my advice to you.. don't compete in all kind of swimming just focus on 1 or 2 kind ... personnally i've chosen freestyle and breaststoke....this way you'll have enough time to be really good  

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