
Can you start your period when swimming?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know because I swim, alot.

And I think I will start soon, I'm fourteen and developed quite a lot.

But I'm scared of when it might start .. how embarassing!

Will blood go everywhere? How much comes out? I really don't know, I have been taught but when you haven't started I don't feel I really need to know. Well, I do but y'no.

Please help.

:) Thank you.




  1. when your underwater the blood stops coming out anyway because of the pressure. so just make sure that until you know youve definately started you get back to the changing rooms quickly lol. But tbh nothing would drip out your costume unless it was reallllly heavy.

    Use a tampon to swim when you start your  period obvs :)

    Answer mine?

  2. I remember when i started mine. No blood doesn't like go everywhere, and about a teaspoon a day comes out, or so i was told? But tbh it seems like more lol xD Im not sure if you can start in the swimming pool, i dont think you can i think you will know you have started AFTER you get out of the pool ? Im not sure on that, sorry.

    Its really not that big of a deal, well it is lol but you get used to it.

    I find that talking to someone you trust works, i did and it sure helped :D

    Good luck


  3. Yea you can when swimming but it wont be noticable, wont turn the water red or anything like that lol.. if you feel pains then nip to the loo and have a check, if you want to get back into the water youl have to use a tampon but use a little once since its your first time, you will get used to them quicker then.


  4. you will see a bit of pink or brown in your underwear and no, it doesnt just start gushing out of you right away. Unless youre having a really bad period . But the first period is always light - not a heavy flow. When you go on birth control, it stays light, with less cramping.

  5. Yes, you can start your period when swimming but I wouldn't be too concerned.

    Your period will start out very lightly and most likely as dark brown spotting (this just is from old blood that is decayed) with discharge. You may feel light cramping before or you may not. If you have frequent discharge now you probably are not far from starting.

    But don't worry much about starting when you are swimming. The worse that can happen would be when you are out of the water and it will be a small dark spot on your bathing suit and not very visible. You can just head for the shower and change or put on a pair of shorts and you will be ok.

    If you think you will start getting your period soon, you may just want to get in the habit of carrying a couple liners and a pad in your purse. Periods normally start very light and if you get it when you are out like in school, a pad or even a liner can hold you over until you get home.

    Your first few periods will most likely not be a heavy flow so pads and liners may work best for you. If you are into sports or swimming though, you really want to look into using tampons. Good luck and best wishes :)

  6. DON't WORRY

    the first time theres very little.

    in fact overall most people don't lose too much blood.

    of course this varies from person to person, but...

    you can start when you're swimming, and you can start when you're in the shower or whatever too. Just always make sure you have tampons or pads with you. I mean, tampons are much easier to use and you can go swimming if you wear one, but some people feel more comfortable just using pads... which is fair enough.

    For now just be glad to be free of the dreadful old P!

    here are some links you might find useful

  7. ok i cant give you a definite no but it is highly unlikely to, and if it did it is more likely to be a small dark spot it wont pour out everywhere if that is what you are worried about. And sorry to be disgustingly graphic but when you are in a bath it wouldnt come out unless you pee'd, and you wont be peeing in the pool (fingers crossed)

  8. Your period can start anywhere at any time.  You usually feel cramps first in your lower area near your uterus so it gives you a clue that its coming .  Your b*****s usually are fuller and sore too.  If it happens in the pool , the water for some reason stops the flow for enough time for you to get out and put on a tampax or something.  It will not flow into the water like a huge stream of blood .  That would only happen if you were hemorrhaging or something.  You usually see stuff like that in the movies when someone is killed, doesn't happen with your period.  The water would just kind of dissolve any blood and no one would see it don't worry.  Keep doing your swimming and  other activities and don't let it get in the way.  You will start soon but it isn't bad at all.  Just a totally normal thing.  

  9. Yes you can start while swimming but the water will dilute it out so much you wont notice right away.Just give a little check when you get out of the water.You probably will feel cramping first or feel funny downstairs so dont worry too much,its part of life.

  10. yes

    where a tampon becausae if you don't blood will go everywhere

    and how much comes out depends on the days of your period

    1-3 days are heavy

    after that it's light

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