
Can you steal your dog back?......Did we just commit a crime...PLEASE READ ?

by  |  earlier

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My friend went to India for a funeral.His wife could not accompany him.

When he returned from India and called his wife from Air Port, she told him not 2 come home and has a restraining order against him.

I know both of them very well and this woman has mental type issues.

When he asked for his dog, she told him he will never see his Presa Canario again.

His brother gave the dog to him 1 year ago cause he had to move away on a sudden business opportunity.

My friend licensed and obedience trained etc his dog.His wife never made any effort too care for this dog.

Anyway....I drove him 2 his wife's work yesterday and we happened to see his dog in her unlocked car (windows wide open).He naturally took him and we made our getaway.Lol

Now he just called me and said Police left message on voice mail requesting him 2 c/b.

He is worried.......should he be?

I think he did nothing wrong.....could I be wrong?




  1. I would have thought that once the police realise it is a domestic dispute and the dog was also owned by your friend, they wouldnt be too concerned.  I mean its not as though he just stole some random dog.  Sounds like he deserves the dog and would take better care of it anyway!  By the way who's actually is the dog licensed to?  That might make a difference too - did your friend put it in his name?  

  2. Even though the dog is joint property the way the dog was taken is stealing.  He must be returned and the battle for the dog and other property must be fought in court when a divorce takes place. If you are smart you will keep out of it.  Don't be implicated.

  3. It's called : DOG NAPPING and it's a crime.    

    Seriously , its a real crime. Im not Taking the kid out of kid napping and replacing the kid with dog. Dog napping is a real crime.

  4. Don't let super psycho find out.    

  5. You just happened to drive him to his wifes work and you happened to see the dog there? hmmm.

    I don't think he has to be that worried about taking the dog. In this type of dispute they probably would side with him and also he could use the fact that it was left in the car as evidence that she wasn't caring for it correctly and he needed to keep it safe?

    He could have violated his restraining order though which is illegal (also if she has a restraining order against him why are you driving him to her work???) If he did violate it then he might need to worry.  

    I think in terms of the dog the worst that could happen is they would make him give the dog back until the divorce was settled and dog ownership was decided.  

  6. He shouldn't be worried. Although it is illegal, they probably won't do anything about it once he explains the situation.

  7. Possibly it depends what the restraining order said in it... Also even if the car was unlock technically you did break in to her car!

  8. is the dog microchiped and registrered on anyone? if so that would be the legal owner, who could prove ownership

    i'd suspect the dog still stand in his brothers name? and such 'legaly' belong to his brother, in which case there should be no problem as the brother can prove his claim on the dog with paperwork

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