
Can you still be a pilot if you have a misdemeanour Petty Larceny on your criminal record?

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Can you still be a pilot if you have a misdemeanour Petty Larceny on your criminal record?




  1. Generally speaking yes. If there is anyway you can get it expunged or cleared from your record I strongly suggest you do so if only for the peace of mind.

    If your offense is minor there for the grace of God go most of us. This will not prevent you from obtaining any F.A.A. certification.

    However if you are pursuing a Pilot career and cannot get your record cleared, you must disclose the facts when asked by a potential employer. Failure to do so will guarantee your dismissal or withdrawal of any offer.

  2. Yes.

  3. yup, on some airlines it's a prerequisite

  4. Yep. It's only felonies that concern any employer.  And then it even depends on the felony.

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