
Can you still be a vegan if you use non-vegan make up?

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I've been a vegetarian for about a year and a half.And I'm thinking about becoming vegan.But it's not really for the animals,its for health reasons and such.

Even if everthing i consume is vegan,could i still use non-vegan things like make up,hair products etc?and still be vegan?




  1. I would say you would be considered a dietary vegan  - not an ethical vegan. However, if you are able be be vegan in diet you really wouldn't have that much trouble using cruelty-free products. There are vegan cosmetics and other beauty products as well as household cleaners that are readily available. Besides being vegan these products are often more natural and better for the environment.

  2. you wouldn't be the vegan label, or if you called it that you'd be hypocritical, but you can't restrict yourself that much and be happy/healthy most times anyway. you said it's for health reasons, but people who don't eat meat or animal products, unless they do everything exactly as they should in order to be healthy, are usually not healthy.

    i'm a vegetarian and most of the meat substitutes i have get their protein from dairy products, and if they don't they burn a hole in my wallet. it's much more reasonable though i believe, for both my happiness and health, but i am still making a difference.

    be wise about what you do, limit yourself as much as you can, but when you can't relax, you're only human.

  3. You could say you EAT a vegan diet....but why not go all out and  do the makeup and hair care products...they are better for you're body (im not even vegan and i use those products!)  They are much less irritating)  Health reasons are just as good a reason as any to use these products as well (check out the links between regular deodorant that contains aluminum and breast cancer...ick!  no thank you from this breast feeding mama!)  and a vegan diet can be just as healthy and fulfilling as any other if followed properly...dont let anyone tell you that you are going to die or get sick if you follow a vegan diet, I have spent time doing a vegan diet with VERY healthy results...just make sure you get all you need between food and vitamin supplements  any lifestyle or diet can be unhealthy, it just depends on how you follow it

  4. being vegan isn't really that healthy... most of the vegans i know are way too skinny and kind of sickly... the body needs protein.  and to be a true vegan then no, you can't use those things.

  5. No.

    You can still prestigeously be claimed as vegetarian.

  6. I don't think so.

  7. No, you're vegetarian.

  8. Why would you want to call yourself vegan if you don't really care about animals? That's pretty much the whole point.

  9. you are still considered to be eating a vegan diet just not living a vegan life style. Because its for health reasons its not really hypocritical so really there is nothing wrong with using non-vegan products.

  10. You will be a strict vegetarian, but not a vegan.

  11. There are not any "Official Rules" for being vegan.  You can call yourself what ever you want.

  12. If you eat a vegan diet, but aren't vegan in other aspects of your life, you are referred to as a "strict," "total," or "pure" vegetarian.  Veganism implies a moral concern for animals, so it's not really a label you want if that doesn't factor into your decision anyway.

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