
Can you still be pregnant with negatives after 2 weeks late?

by  |  earlier

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if you are 2 weeks late for your period should you be getting positives if you are pregnant or is there still a chance that there isnt enough hormones yet, i was due on the 16th july and still no sign of mother nature apart from 4 days this week iv just had a tan colored discharge, before and whilst i got it i was getting period cramps and also have slightly tender nipples, the cramps and discharge has gone i am still slightly bloated but i am getting negatives!! help!?x




  1. My tests would not show positive until I was like 2 weeks late on my period. Re test in a few days, or get a blood test. However, if you stress yourself out to much over it you can simply make yourself late. Good luck!

  2. Welcome to my world I was due the same day (July 16) and was still waiting and getting negative results with the same symptoms and everything like you. I got sick of waiting and went to the doctor to give me something to bring on AF. He gave me the prescription but I have to wait to take it because he gave me a pregnancy test (Blood) and have to wait till tomorrow for the result, if negative then I can start taking the prescription. Best of luck to you and remember don't wait too long, you'll just be wasteing time.

    Wishing you lots of baby dust,

  3. it would be unusal for it not to show positive at this stage. sometimes we work ourselves up so much about wantingto get pregnant our periods cruelly stay away just to wind us up.

    Go to your GP ans if they will ask them to send you for a Beta HCG blood test as this can detect pregnancy in the very early stages!

  4. It always takes my tests 5 weeks after conception to come back positive.  If you can't wait that long, go and get your blood work done.  That should at least pick up something.  GL!

  5. You can have negative results and still be positive. You should take another test in a few days and if nothing has changed see your Dr. He should be able to give you a blood test to find out for sure. Good Luck and Baby Dust!

  6. I'm in the same boat as you!! Just took a test this evening and it came up negitive...i hope you get the result you want!

  7. It could be you ovulated late my period was due on the 22ND of July and only last Friday did i get a positive a week nearly after i was due,

    Either get a blood test or test in a few days

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