
Can you still become a neonatal nurse although you may have 2 small tattoos on your wrist?

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this is the thing i am now 18 and about to attend omega institute to get my major in nursing i really want to become a neonatal nurse the thing is when i was younger about 13 i was a wild child and i got 2 little tattoos on my wrist on both hands 3 little stars. who knew i was going to change in a year and really look at life in a different perspective now i know what i want to be and i wont stop at it but i really want to know if i will really get shut down for saving infants because of my small tattoos from years ago can anyone answer i hope i can get a good result because i would really hurt if my career option is shut down because of something small i mean i can really hide it like wear long sleeve all the time and a bracelet should also cover it




  1. I dont think it would matter. Covering it up doesnt seem like a problem, so I seriously dont think it would hurt your career choice.  

  2. yes, yes and yes again!!! The tatoo doesn't matter.  

  3. It will be fine. I know a few nurses with tattoos.

  4. Good grief, of course you can. If people with tattoos were barred from becoming anything, don't you think that we would have had a parade by now? Seriously, it would be a serious form of discrimination to bar anyone with a tattoo from any job..and many many people with tattoos are doctors, lawyers, etc, etc., and it has nothing to do with being a contaminant in a sterile environment if that is what you were worried about. Tattoos are not a disease, like, for instance, if you had Hepatitis C or something, it might be a problem since you could transmit this by blood tranfser to one of your patients, and they may ask you questions about transmittable diseases when you apply for work in a hospital. But no school could not admit you to their program for having a tattoo. Otherwise we would have many less professionals. And, I don't think you should have to cover it up. It was a decision that perhaps you regret, but a couple of little stars are not exactly having MOM and POP tattooed on your knuckles, and even then..

  5. It should not be an issue.

  6. Should be fine, good luck in your future. I was a wildchild too but I've turned my life around :)  

  7. It seems like your tattoos are something benign like stars, so I don't think it would be a problem.  In my opinion, it could be a problem if it was something offensive or like a skull or something like that.

    And if you're truly worried, wear long sleeves.

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