
Can you still buy tortoises in the UK?

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Can you still buy tortoises in the UK?




  1. Yes you can.  I don't know what these people are on saying only Hermans....  or you need papers.  I have tortoises and bought another one recently and I needed no papers.  They do not live as long as people think either.  That varies from species to species.  Some will live about 30 years in captivity and some can live longer.  Check when you buy one to see the care it needs and what it's life span is as all this will vary between species.  Also, I would advise you buy one from a reputable reptile shop.

    Some species you need a licence to sell them, so find out if a licence is needed for the particular breed you want and then make sure where ever you buy the tortoise from, has the correct licenses - if any are required

  2. yeah you can,  do you know what you are letting yourself in for though.  they really live along time.  you will have to give it away when you are to old to look after it.  they are not slow.  they can walk really fast.  we have one at my college and then we got another one. we brought it outside and it ran away.  we had it out for like 5 mins and it was gone.  

  3. I think so yes

  4. yep loads of places you can buy them but they can be hard to look after though they look easy xx

  5. Yes, you can buy tortoises, but only the more common breeds, such as Hermans tortoise which is a European breed.

  6. yes :)

    but some tortoises can't be sold without papers - make sure you look it up

    I have a work placement in a exotic pet shop and the other week ( My 1st week) they was 2 tortoises and because they didn't come with papers the shop rehomed them  

  7. Yep :o) .....

  8. Yes but pretty much only Herman's Tortoises and you might need a license.

  9. Absolutely. Horsefields, hermanns, red foots, spur thighed and leopards.

  10. hiyyahh..xx

    yes yo0h can

    but they ar abo0ut £200

    or more...!!

    but they are ever soo cute

    sum luv glad to help


  11. yes you can but please buy from a reputable breeder and not from pet shops.Buying from pet shops you are supporting a barbaric industry of importing thousands of tortoises,taken from the wild and shipped in boxes the size of a shoe box often containing up to 20-25 babies.Some are dead,dieing, malnutrition-ed and dehydrated.If your lucky you may get a few that are ok.Buy from a breeder and you get a well cared for,tortoise that hasn't suffered and will be alot cheaper than buying from a pet the tortoise trust web site and they will tell you of breeders in your area.

  12. yes you can still buy tortoises, but they are not found often, some pet shops can get them in and some do sell tortoises, most are sold at specialist places on the internet, but i have seen herman, horsefield, red footed  greek and leopard tortoises, if you are buying on just make sure if it any other than the horsefield (russian) that they have the cites paperwork to prove they are captive bred, you don't need any licences and for the horsefield you don't need any paperwork as they are not covered by cites, but expect to pay about £120 for a tortoise

  13. Yes any reputable pet shop/ reptile store will stock tortoise's .  

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