
Can you still eat pizza hut pizza from taco bell after the time stamp time?

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It was from like 10 minutes ago its not really hot but still good




  1. Yes it's perfectly fine, I used to work at a pizza place and we marked the pizzas with a 30 minute time limit, and if we didn't sell them in 30 minutes we would have to throw them out. We really didn't though, we would just save them for ourselves and eat them later. So there is nothing wrong with that food, it's just something that pizza hut has to do.

  2. It should be fine within that time frame.

  3. its still good..

  4. Pizza hut pizza, from taco bell??

    something seems wierd about that to me...

  5. ySome places have Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and KFC all in one, and as usual, owned by the Pepsico Company. they  have really put a sabotage to what was at one time a fine franchise. But to answer your question on the time, the pizza is still good, and providing the temperature is within range, no problem. The time limit on a pizza is for the quality of taste. The temperature when you are served let's say; a burger from your favorite burger joint, is served at it's peak time for flavor, consistency, and appearance. This is done with the majority of fast food presentations, hours and hours are set aside for quality, taste, and appearance. You ever notice when you are eating a pizza the cheese is gooey, the sauce blends in, the aroma is tantalizing your senses, and the feel of the pizza is ohh, sooo good, going down the hatch. Then as you progress, the pizza cools, the cheese isn't stringy anymore and you are just about finished. You wrap it up, take it home, the next day, you nuke it and eat it for a snack. But you notice, it really didn't taste as good as that first bite the moment you started in on that pizza you ordered last night.

  6. Yes, it would be OK,  but I would be tempted to ask for a new one.  :-)

    We also have Pizza Hut and Taco Bell in the same building.  And there is a KFC on the same lot.  They all are YUM brand foods (same company).

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