
Can you still find "meaning" in your life, eventhough it was a "complete waste"?

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If so, how?




  1. life is a complete waste and there is no meaning in it, except for the brain washing programs that the society implant in your mind: love your mother, love your god, love your country, love your wife, love your teacher, love your job, love your tv.

    i just waste my life without any meaning because i'm free from adult games, i live like the child i was, watching every body around me lying to themselves, i'm free without loving my freedom

    none sense really, all of what i have written is nonsense, i don't even understand it, it has no meaning, what a waste  

  2. I believe the meaning of everyone's life young or old is to find God learn and progress in your spiritual journey. just because you "wasted" your time doesn't mean you have to stop with your life, you just took a break! Now why ever you feel your life is a "complete waste" you should probably change something to make some experiences! for example join a club or pick up a guitar. i think earth is a test for us to find out who we are, and change ourselves before we die.

  3. My answer to this guys question may help. Have fun!;...

  4. Lets cut to the chase....

    NOBODY gets a free ride.

    The bumps on our Path are, believe it or not, are lovingly put there by God, for our better good!  You may ask... WHAT?  It is the lessons we all learn and how we dealt with them that really matter!  It is certainly not the money, cars, men/women etc. because when we die, you cannot take them with you!  Therefore, in my opinion, it has to be the journey!

    So with this realization, over the years, I have learned to, go with the punches, and learn what I have to and keeping moving.

    Sure you can feel a little disgruntled if you happen to be the, have not majority, however, the word majority lets you know that you are not alone.  On the other hand the people who have, would appear to have everything, but I have see some instances, on three continents where I have both lived and worked, experience such misery, sickness, hunger and severe misfortune (drugs,aids, minors addicted to s*x, etc) that I would not change places with them, even if you gave me the Universe!

    I say, no matter where you are, accept it, deal with it, learn and deepen from it and move on, because in the final analysis, none of us really have any time to waste.... "for we know not the day nor the hour", and life is very brief.  

    What I share with you all in my answers comes from my experiences and study so I ask you all..... In your opinion, has my life been a complete waste?  Whether you say "yes or no" I catagroically say... no, and thank God for His unconditional love, compassion and benevolence to us all+

    Life is all about choices...and my choice is...

    That glass of water is HALF FULL++  

    In the Holy Koran life is quoted as passing "in the blink of an eye",

  5. By taking into account that under "a complete waste" there are many valuable things that remain hidden. In addition to that, we have long term goals that must be reached and are therefore, worth to fight for  everyday.

  6. By reflecting on the things we did that made our lives a "complete waste," and improving ourselves, and helping others not to make the mistakes that we did.

  7. No life is wasted with thoughts (consciousness ) in tact. This makes possible volitional choosing to be greater then what we are and the potential of perfection.

    Every parent has the hope that the child will rise to the level and beyond what the parent has provided and so it is with Deity. We were created out of love just as we create out of love.We are the shadow casted by the ones who have made life possible.

  8. In my opinion, everything happens for a reason. We are meant to experience certain things in life (bad and good). I think that there will always be a meaning in every one life. You just have to know how to believe there is and learn yourself from within. Think positive about everything.

    Sometimes that will be hard to do. Just try to think about everything in a good way. Ex. If you were suppose to get a advancement at work but it was given to someone, eventhough you was more experience than that person, think positive. Appreciate life, who knows maybe someone was trying to get your position but you stayed. Therefore there is someone that wasn't fortunate to get your position. Accept what happens in life and learn from it.  

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