
Can you still get married in a church once you've been married in a City Hall?

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My husband and I got married at City Hall, but we're now thinking of having a formal wedding for our family. However, we're not sure whether we can still get married in a church in front of a priest.




  1. You can certainly have your marriage blessed and retake your wedding vows but of course you wont be issued with an other marriage licence as you have already been married legally before.

    My friend got her wedding blessed in church and she had bridesmaids and everything the same as a normal wedding.

    Go for it.

  2. If the priest is willing to do the ceremony,yes. I did this with my first husband. We got married at the justis of the peace and then when we had enough money had a wedding ceremony in a church. Usually religious leaders are willing to do this because its biblical to get married in front of witnesses. You won't be able to re do some things however, like the signing of the marriage certificate.  

  3. yes you can.  stop making a city hall wedding sound so NOT REAL!!

    it was and is.

  4. ask the priest.  if he must have a currently dated marrige license, then you may be out of luck.  on the other hand if your marriage was a civil ceremony only, you may be in luck.  good luck

  5. Yes, I see no reason why not. We were gonna do that but the priest was a jerk...really. So we didn't.

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