
Can you still get skin cancer if you dont burn but you tan?

by  |  earlier

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like my legs never burn but they tan, can i still get skin cancer on them?




  1. Yes, tanning does not prevent skin cancer very much. It is, however, your body's natural defence to the damage.  

  2. Yes!

    As tan is simply your body's attempt to repair damage from sun in the first place.

    A healthy tan isn't really healty.

    I put up with the risk though. Who wants to look like a ghost?

  3. no

  4. Yes you can.

    Sun damage that leads to skin cancer is cumulative over time and does not manifest until years later.  The incidence for melanoma begins to rise after puberty increasing until about 65-70 years of age. You should also know the most common site for melanoma in women is the legs.

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