
Can you still.........

by  |  earlier

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ok well if you walk at normal speeed for 1-2 hours, will you still burn calories and lose weight? how much do you think? thank you :)




  1. wrong section

    you burn and gain calories all the time

  2. yes burn calories, lose weight? no

  3. yes you can it just takes a lot longer

  4. yes, for every mile that you run, you burn about 100 calories. if you walk at a slower rate, then you'll burn around 70-80.  and you can always loose rate if you eat healthy (getting most of your vitamins and minerals) and burn more calories than you eat then yes you can. but exercising vigouirsly for a half and hour will help you more

  5. You would actually need to get on a treadmill to figure that out or go to walmart and buy one of those counters that you clip to your pants but my guess would be about 250 calories, and you would need to do this on a regular basis to see results...

  6. depends on your weight. walking normal speed is about 2 miles to 3 miles an hour.

    type in your weight and will figure out how to use it

    its easy,

  7. You burn calories everything you do, even watching tv.  But you would probably not lose weight, you wouldn't burn very many calories, and defiantly not enough to lose weight.

    And you burn alot more calories walking a mile then just 100, you probably burn more calories chewing your food.
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