
Can you still remember all the hymns / songs you had to sing in primary school assemblies?

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Even though 22 years have passed, I can still remember the words to loads of them! We had the book "Come and Praise" as well as a slightly nutty music teacher who always seemed to teach us obscure folk songs. ("Step we gaily on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe, all for Maree's wedding...", and the unforgettable "Melons! Won't you buy some lovely melons..." Oo-er missus!)

What about you?




  1. I expect that even when 44 years have passed you will still remember them......what we have learnt in childhood seems to stay embedded.   I certainly remember the songs from school 50 years ago.....there was one folk song called 'Dashing away with a smoothing iron' and it went through the days of the week, saying what would be done with the washing on each day, from hanging, drying, ironing and airing!   Another was called 'Cherry Ripe' and another 'As I was going to Strawberry Fair'.

    It would be worthwhile inputting more sensible, helpful songs for today's youngsters, since it will probably remain with them for life.

  2. I hope you went to a religious school.  Otherwise, what the heck were you doing singing hymns in a public school?  I was in school a lot longer ago than you were, but we didn't sing religious songs.  We did sing some strange ones, though--"Sleep, Kentucky Babe" (we were in NY), "The Happy Wanderer," and, in middle school, a really weird one about JFK's assassination.  "A young man rode with his head held high, under the Texas sun, and no one guessed that a man so blessed, would perish by the gun..."   Isn't that just awful?

    Edit:  Anigma, you are quite right.  Studies show that people remember songs, even themes from commercials and TV shows, for a very long time.  I think that's why Schoolhouse Rock was so successful.  My son can still "sing" the preamble to the Constitution.  It's much harder to memorize that simply as prose instead of a song.

  3. It's good to hear that Im not the only one that still remembers those songs! I even sing them with my son now!

  4. YES!!  Many of them.

    Ewe a bleateth after calf, both after calf the cow.  Something, something buck to verdict, merry sing coo coo.

    It was called "The Spring Song" and I think it was Welsh.  I still get it stuck in  my head from the 6th grade.

    Believe it or not I found it used in the original version of the movie "WIcker Man".  Ain't Netflix  great!!

    Now, to look it up so I won't have it stuck in my head for the remainder of the day.  Great question-Thanks!!

    PS-Thanks Kerry, now I have "Rise and Shine" going through my  head.  Not too bad, I can remember most of those words!

  5. I still sing Rise and Shine.....the one where God said to Noah there's gonna be a flood-y flood-y....get those children out of the mud-y mud-y children on the lord.

    It is a silly song but man it has stuck in my head for over 30 years.

  6. i remember inging christmas carols befor  chritmas break and if an indian tribe came to see u one time we ould ing an indian song



    mighty owcom

    idk but it went something like that

  7. I seem to remember the words to Immaculate Mary from the bi-weekly prayer service.

  8. nope

  9. With Christ in the vessle we can smile in the storm,

    smile in the storm,

    smile in the storm.

    With Christ in the vessle we can smile in the storm,

    as we go sailing home.

    Sailing, sailing home (x2)

    With Christ in the vessle we can smile in the storm,

    as we go sailing home.

  10. I can only remember one, it was "Stand up, clap your hands,shout thank you lord", It has always stuck in my mind even after 30 years, because we all used to stand up and clap our hand's at that part of the song :o)

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