
Can you still say that Iran isn't attempting to provoke the US, and that Iran is 100% innocent?

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I trust NOTHING Iran's leadership says, and I trust them even less with the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons...why do you suppose they wont allow inspection teams in?




  1. There are some intelligent opinions at this site which you don't hear in the mass media. Go there and search "Iran" for the site. Some great articles.

  2. Yes. It is the regime in the US which provoces wars, occupy other countries and violate basic human rights in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere.

  3. They've been trying to provoke us all along. I can't believe that some people don't see it.  

  4. They do allow inspection teams in you ignoramous, they even offered more protocols on their nuclear program if the U.S. recognizes their right to legally enrich uranium.  

  5. We, IN NO WAY, provoked Iraq (or Iran for that matter) by invading.

    and it doesn't ******* matter, we couldn't go to war with them if we wanted to,

    that would s***w us the **** up man

  6. They want a war and they know if one starts the liberals here will back them up making the U.S. the bad guys.

    They already seen what happen to Iraq.

    They do hope Obama does win because they can keep talking while building nuclear weapons.

    Can you say Chamberlain?

    I thought so.  

  7. I trust NOTHING either leadership says,

    I do believe US military intelligence has been proved to have served up a steaming pile of misinformation before. WMDs anyone?

  8. After Iraq, I no longer trust anything that our military claims about other countries...Their track record has been less than stellar

  9. I never said Iran was 100% innocent.  I just don't think a military strike against Iran would be "prudent at this juncture."  Our military is already over-extended in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Also, it's obvious Iran is trying to provoke an attack from the US.  Why?  So they can look like and play the part of the victim.  Russia and China would possibly come to their aid, and the US could be looking at the losing end of WWIII.  I don't think that risk is worth attacking Iran now.

  10. this is not april 1st so this is not a joke iran 100 percent innocent is this some kind of joke because i am not laughing...

  11. I dont know if I trust them either, however letting weapons inspectors in to Iraq did not stop the US invading them on the pretense that there were WMD's which there weren't.  So why should they let in the inspectors, it got the people of Iraq nowhere

  12. Ok let me put it like this. If you were lets say 5'8 202 pounds would you try to start a fight with someone who's 6'7 250 and has plenty of weapons? I dont think so. Why in the world would they want to start a fight they can't win? like they say, It dont make no sense

  13. Unfortunately, our intelligence officers carry little credibility. I would like to see the results of other intelligence agencies as well. I think Iran wants to provoke us, yes, but I don't believe they have weapons and I do think that our frequent references to war with them or attacks on them will only bring about more hatred for the west from people in the middle east. Unfortunately, we now need more than 'an officer said' your article states. It must be corroborated.  

  14. Will israel declare its nuclear weapons... The US has concel nuclear weapon strength of israel for so long.  Check on internet you will get so much of information that ISRAEL never declare it weapons. US claimed the IRAQ was developing weapons of mass destruction and till now they were not able to find one to prove it... How can you relly on US first of not bullying other countries then... Whether IRAN provok the US... but i think the US is more of like a servent to ISRAEL who will be always there to do the bidding of israel. And do you know how much of taxpayer money given to israel for developing weapons. If your an american you should know the fact that all you hard earning money is not to improve the US econmy but given to country to fight war.  If US Goes to war with IRAN it dosent get any thing except that it will lose there econmy and spread there miltary thin and be in debt. The US is already in debt from the last war and there time of repayment is in 2015. According to forcast to repay the debt every american has pay 7000$ additional to the tax they pay. And end of the day US reputation goes down as destroyer of one more civilization

  15. If you were Iran and the USA invaded a neighboring country for no good reason, would you not want to have the ability to protect yourself?  Of course you would.  People are people.  If Russia invaded Mexico would we want to let them come look at our military facilities? Give me a break.  The stupidest thing that happens in politics is people like you, and unfortunately you are a loud minority, who forget that the same things you would want, you deny to others.  

  16. Iran is completely 110% innocent of everything it is accused of.

  17. I don't trust the Iranians either however the biggest problem is that they have huge oil reserves and the Europeans, Chinese and Russias are the biggest cusumers of it. That is why sanctions through the UN usually fall on their faces. Iran postures against the U.S. because they can get away with it.

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