
Can you stomach your favorite team getting blow out the entire time? Or do you change the channel?

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It's 11 to 2 in the 3rd inning.

( No. They don't come back. The final is 19 - 4 ) Did you watch it all?




  1. I watch it all.

    Even if its painful.


  2. I usually turn away to the news or something, but then I always end up going back five minutes later.

  3. I once shut my tv off when the Dodgers were playing the padres down 3 in the 9th. Hoffman cam out for the close. They then went to hit back-to back-to back home runs to tie and hit a 2 run homerun in the bottom of the 10th to take the win. I will never stop watching a game again.

  4. I have to walk away.

    Invariably, I'll peek again, no matter how bad it is.  But, I get too emotionally invested.  It can wreck my whole evening if I don't walk away.

  5. Oh I love to torture myself when it comes to my favorite team. If they are really getting blown out, I might change the channel to see what else is on but I always go back to the game.

  6. Honestly and i know this isnt the best...i change the channel for like 15 minutes then turn back to it and probably end up watching the rest of the game no matter what the score is....just a habit

  7. If I 'know' it's going to be a huge blowout I'll switch the channel and sporadically check back... Half the time I fall asleep or something and they end up coming back, though...

  8. I have to admit, I change the channel, but I always come back every 2 or 3 innings.

  9. I'm 21 i watch baseball everyday that I feel im part of the team. If you lose so what you're playing again tomorrow. But yea I do change the channel. I watch both mets and yankee games.

  10. i watch it all

    there may be a broken table that was not broken before the game started though

  11. i watch it all! its always fun to hope for a comeback

  12. I try to stomach it. But after a while I may turn it off.

  13. I try to stick through it.. i occasionally switch channels but

    if the dudes actually playing can... than i can..

    its the least i can do right? ^^

    got to give some sort of support

  14. Since I watch the Marlins, if they are getting blown out, I might watch the whole game since they have the ability to chip at leads. If it's in the eighth inning and they;re down by 6 or more, I might turn it off.

  15. What usually happens when the O's get blown out, which with all this extra intra-division play, happens more than I care to admit, is I get all bitter and flip off the radio.  Then I fume and mutter about the pitcher, the pitching coach, the manager, the other team, and I say, through clenched teeth, "They're going to LOSE."   And then I flip the radio back on and repeat.

  16. If I have nothing better to do. As a Dodger fan far from SoCal, I watch my team every chance I get.

  17. I usually change the channel and flip back every once in awhile to see whats up.

  18. I flip flop between the game and another channel. I can't bare the whole thing.

  19. i would change the channel

  20. nope...i go to my computer and watch hardcore p**n

  21. No way, I'd change the channel.

  22. I would watch the whole game. I cant guarantee that I will stay awake the whole time, but I will watch the whole game

  23. Honest Truth i watch the  game, and i do change the once in a while and flip it back to the Yankees game , when the game is OVER, i turn off the TV and forget about it lol

  24. I take the beating and endure it as any true fan would.

  25. i change the channel. I will flip back to it once in awhile but I dont like seeing my favorite team loose.

  26. I try to stomach it if they are losing that bad early in the game, because I always have huge hopes that they'll make a huge come-back. But if it gets to be 8th inning and still not looking good, I admit I'd probably change the channel and check back every few minutes. It's just too hard to watch your team be blown out.

  27. Unfortunately I sit there and stomach it.  I'm a Cubs fan so I have had to stomach a lot of that (Rolaids and Tums).

  28. i can stomach it answer this

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