
Can you stop psi-vampire awakening?

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Can you stop the transformation into a psi-vampire? I feel drained of energy way too often and I've only just begone to awaken. Can I put myself back to sleep? I don't want to be one




  1. The red pill or the blue pill?

    How long has it been that you've thought you were awakening. I feel like you're not even certain you are a vamp, but now you're getting scared you might really be one, so you want to go back and take the blue pill.

    You might not be a vamp. You might not be therian. You might just have a vivid imagination and psychosomatic "symptoms".

    I don't think it's a transformation. I think it's called an awakening because it's a realization of what is, not a becoming of something. It may be possible to convince yourself that it's not real or to convince yourself it's real when it's not. But in the end, it is whatever it is, and you'll need to accept that truth, one way or the other.

    The challenge, I think, is to figure out what's real and then learn to live with it the best you can. Would you really want to take the blue pill if you could? Would it even be possible to forget everything and go back to being "normal" again?

    I repressed my psi-vampiric side for 27 years, but it was still always this weird thing inside me that I didn't talk about. I lived a relatively normal life. I didn't know anything about the real vampire community. I didn't think I could be a vampire, because I wasn't like any fictional one. Yet, I still dreamt of being one. I had my waking world, "normal" self that everyone saw. But I also had this just-as-real dream-self that fed on other people in dreams. It didn't go away just because it wasn't socially acceptable or would make me sound crazy if I talked about it. It was part of my secret self, but it was still part of who I was.

    Personally, I don't think it's possible to put yourself back asleep. It's like trying to hide from a monster in your dreams, when really the monster is part of yourself. The only way you can fight it, is to turn around and face it.

    - P.

  2. hi there,soz to say no you cant go back now that your awake wot you are doing is useing all your energy and not geting it back and as a psi vanp you need to feed to get your stamina back but not like on blood but off a pure energy sorce try sitting outside and feed off mother nature she will give it you for free like the wind and rain it all has its own power just sit there and recharge, breathe in ther power and right now you are gonig wild cus your finding things hard to controll and as a psi vamp you need to renew your energy cus you cant regenarate your own vamp powers thats why you need to feed just be carefull where you get it from thas all as it will affect you in different ways like if walking with a lot of axe killers then it will make you want to kill thats why i say nature as there is no bad in her at all and she will want to help you and always rember there is always someone to help you out just ask! it will get easier as you get a bit more experance good luck and go and drink some nature and you will feel better after about 10-30 mins;-)

  3. You were told about symptoms, and suddenly started having them, some one or some place has told you thats an awakening, when you learn about symptoms and start having them after that is call hypochondria (not an awakening) stopping that is easy just simply get over it you arent a vampire.

  4. No matter what this person below me says, I don't think it's Hypochondria.

    And, no, I've never heard of a way to go back on it. It's in your genes, and it's going to come out. It would be like stopping puberty.

    I'd just try to accept it. It's inevitable. And it's not so bad. You get a few bonuses, and join up with a nice new society of individuals. If you're still having any trouble with it, I'd suggest visiting They've got more answers than Me. Good luck, and contact me if still you need any help.

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