
Can you strengthen your right side of your brain?

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im definetaly a left brain. i really want to strengthen my right side of my brain. is there any exercises/techniques i can do to acheive this???????




  1. sure, start doing things left handed. I take it your right handed now. Left handed people have been studied and have shown to use both sides of their brain. this happens because of the predominately right handed planet we live on. Lefties have been shown to recover quicker and more complete than righties after strokes, because they use both sides of the brain more. Left handed poeple tend to be more able to cope with changes and are gifted thinkers.

  2. simply do more physical things with the left sid of your body.

    That's what the right side controls!

  3. When I broke my dominante right arm and then my physician placed a fixator on it incorrectly that broke my wrist into multiple pieces leading to a year of surgury and rehabilitation with a different physician, I had to use my left hand and arm to do everything from writing, cleaning and personal daily care to eating and doing hobbies. During this time I learned to write backwards (readable by using a mirror) as smoothly as I write forwards, I also improved on painting picutres of hands and faces, and studying is easier since then. I think my frustration and anger during that time made me work harder at things I was told I couldn't do and during that time I had to develop the opposite side of my brain that now seems easily accessible to me.  I also developed the ability to withstand great pain without the use of medications, recently I  tripped and scrapped a lot of skin off my knee but did not want to miss an educational program that I have been attending to be certified and would not be offered  again for a year, it hurt awful and bled most of the day while I sat in class, and as the lecture was active it didn't realize pain, but when I relaxed it was what I thought about. (I am not a clutz, I broke my arm six years ago and fell this one time since).

  4. This is a joke, right?

    Every single human uses both sides of his brain.  You are not capable of "muscling up" either side of your brain.

  5. Breathing through your left nostril activates your right brain. Human beings breathe through one nostril at a time. Sometimes we favour one over the other which actually means we favour one side of the brain more. If you lie on your right side, you activate nerves that stimulate left nostril breathing and right brain activity. Even massaging your right side or leaning up against a wall will do it. Watch your nostril breathing and you will know which nostril and thus which side of your brain is most active.

  6. Yes it can be strengthened.

    Do artsy things like drawing.

    Check out the book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

  7. Yes you can.

    You can tap your right side of the brain by many ways.

    Meditating, singing, art, chanting, creative thinking and most of all; loving, is the act of right side of brain. The more you do it, the stronger it gets.

  8. yes, any kind of art like drawing, painting, music is highly dependant upon the right side.  Problem solving is also very taxing on the right side.  Even math puzzles (well some of them) make heavy use of the right side.  using your imagination, daydreaming, things like that use the right side.

  9. yes,  you can start writing with your left hand as much as possible. this is just one thing you can do to strengthen it.


  10. Electro-Convulsive therapy.  You ever see those belts they use to shock muscles on TV?  ECT works the same way!  It exercises your neurons and makes them stronger.  Go get yourself shock treatment!

  11. Yes, draw every day or paint or play guitar or meditate, or write short stories. Anything that gets you thinking creatively will exercise the right side of your brain.

  12. Yes, lift weights with the right side of your brain but take care to use the correct technique.

  13. no

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