
Can you sue a small business and/or the employee for direct derogatory slander and threatening behaviour?

by Guest65982  |  earlier

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I just had a terrible experience at a laundry mat. My dryer broke down and I am forced to go to these places from time to time until it gets fixed. I decided to go to this laundry mat in a not so good area around my neighbourhood, but I thought ( niavely, I guess )it was late and looked empty so Ill be out in a half no problem. As soon as I go in this short stumpy lady tells me immeditely I need to do my aundry soon because she closes at 11pm and it is only 1015, and I said I will only be half and hour. All through the time Im waiting to dry my laundry, I notice her watching me looking aggravated, and singing loudly. She keeps watching me so I leave the place for a minute to go to the convenience store and come back to find that she is talking to some guy and scrutinizing me intently, when my laundry is done, I tell her to mind her own business and she freaks out and starts calling me these derogatory names, I ask who the owner is and she wont tell me and asks me to fight with her




  1. It sounds like you got a suit, but you should get a consultation regardless.  The lawyer will fight w/you to make a case, since you both want the same goal: the accused to pony up.

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