
Can you suggest a weight training program for Rugby?

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I play second row and number 8 which both demand great upper and lower body strength. I currently use heavy weights with low reps. What should I be doing in training baring in mind i want to play high level rugby?




  1. here are the words you need to have in your head all work out


    ive been playing rugby for 15 years and i too am at no 8. i also used to live with a strength and conditioning coach for the waratahs

    drills like holding a 30lb weight and jumping up onto a bench and stepping back down, lunge walks, long forward and sideways jumps with a dumbells in your hands (kind of like a tire run but bigger jumps rather than steps)

    you should do about 12-20 reps per set. do one set of each exercise with no break inbetween. once you have done one set of each exercise you can have a 60-90second break and then repeat twice.

    some upper body exercises include dumbell clean and jerks, hoisting a heavy plate from your side to over you head and down to the other side, pull ups, dips etc. use the same workout as before. one set of each, 1 minute break three times

    remember to change you workout every six weeks or you muscles will just get used to it and you will be wasting your time

    explosive power! all day. and dont neglect you cardio. id much rather have a slightly weaker teamate next to me at the breakdown then have a stronger teamate 30 yards away struggling to get there

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