
Can you suggest an inexpensive prize for a contest?

by  |  earlier

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please help me...




  1. Go to Walmart and find something you would like that isn't too expensive.

  2. CANDY!!!

  3. those like $0.10 fish.  i love those

  4. try getting coool toys or something from the dollar store, depending on your audience,

    if its a raffle or something, what about a gift certificate for something.

    or maybe an arranged basket.

    hope this helps. :)

  5. Here are some prize choices. 1.tamagotchi 2.candy  

  6. Depends on how much you're wanting to spend. If it's around $35 - $40 , I would go for a small MP3 player at WalMart or Target.

    Also depends on your target audience...if it's a teen, parfume and chapstick for girl, or a CD for a boy.

  7. movie tickets, there cheap and people love them. But make sure its two tickets, no one wants to go buy them self :)

  8. yea umm.... maybe candy? or like a gift card or something? people love gas cards.

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