
Can you suggest how I can find out what grade of plastic my travel coffee mug is? Thanks.

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Mizz Pearlie, I do care and everyone should care, because if we can find the grade of plastic these things are made of, then we can find the recycling plants that take them.

The plant near me says they do not take them but I bet I can find a plant somewhere that does if I can find the grade of plastic they are.

In fact, I have called the company of one of the ones I have and they say they are a #5. At, they have a list of plants that do accept #5 plastics.

There is also the matter of curiosity and it is always good to be curious about things, which enables us to always be learning new things.




  1. Why do you care? the only items that are required by law to be marked with the resin code triangle are bottles, jars and jugs. Coincidentally, they are the only items that can be recycled by most municipal recycling programs. The number code on all other products is misleading because it suggests that they can be recycled. But I still don't know why you care.

  2. If it has a number code on it, this indicates the type of plastic.  The numbers are:

    #1= PETE = Polyethylene Terephthalate

    #2= HDPE = High Density Polyethylene

    #3= PVC= Polyvinyl Chloride

    #4= LDPE = Low Density Polyethylene

    #5= PP = Polypropylene

    #6= PS = Polystyrene

    #7= Other -any other plastic, such as ABS or PC (polycarbonate)

    If it doesn't have one of those numbers, it's probably polypropylene or PVC, but this is just my guess.

  3. Flip it over (preferably when it is empty!) and look for a triangle of arrows. Underneath the triangle, there may be an abbreviation (PETE, HDPE, PP, etc.) and there should be a number inside the triangle. Either abbreviation or number should be the key to the type of plastic. The inside of the mug, at least, should be food grade.

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