
Can you suggest of cash in hand jobs I can get at London, UK?

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Can you suggest of cash in hand jobs I can get at London, UK?




  1. like in "irina palm" movie?

  2. You could offer to walk people's dogs for them, babysitting or wash cars.

  3. Since you are on the computer, get a scanner with about 600DPI resolution.

    Find people with money who have family photos that need to be digitized to be preserved. negotiate a price with them for digitizing the photos and put them on CD ROM. Photos hanging on walls is a good example,

    There is available archival quality CD ROM disks. These CDs have special films that will last a long time.

    Visit doctors and lawyers who have old papers that may need to be preserved.

    There is a vast amount of information which was created before the computer revolution which will be lost if not preserved. There is a market for doing this.

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