
Can you suggest one physical improvement for the human race?

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Change must be physical, no tinkering around with the way the brain works please.




  1. Yes.  Muscles that actually focus the eye, so we wouldn't need glasses.

  2. Well chest hands of course, haven't you ever watched scrubs?  Then again that janitor may have had the right idea with gills.  I'd take either, or both, though I'll probably have to settle for neither.  

  3. The ability to fly, then we would not need vehicles! That should keep the green fanatics happy.............for a while until they find something else to spend their time on.

  4. A built in temperature control?

    Sweet smelling sweat?

    Auto cleaning bodies and teeth?

    Endless supply of energy at any age?  (PLEASE!)

    There's a few to be getting on with.


  5. if we could grow a beer bottle opener on our thumb that would be good

  6. Immunity to cancer and a more powerful/resistant immune system.

  7. to get rid of humans oldest scourge and that is Arthritis's

    it has been found in skeletons of ancient Egypt, to modern man'

    to eradicate the misery of pain.

  8. UV resistant skin

  9. A small modification to the brain such that warfare was impossible.  Our cousins the bonobos have no warfare, unlike our equally similar cousins, the chimpanzees.

    The statement that follows the question is very misleading.  It implies that the brain modifications are not physical.  They most certainly are.

  10. Immunity to certain diseases!

    Back in the day people died from simple colds you know :D

  11. Make the body more durable to physical damage. Strengthen the bones so their harder to break, fewer ways to be mortally wounded.  

  12. 4 toe fingers

  13. Personally, I would like to have a higher natural muscle mass.

    I mean I have enough muscle to be stronger than most people my age, but it wouldn't hurt to constantly have big muscles without working out because that gets tiresome and annoying.

    The body could grow this nice level of muscle when there is enough food to do so, then that way if the food goes scarce the body has more muscle to break down and live off during starvation so it gives us higher chances of living until the foods good again, or travelling to a nicer place.

    So get strong when you can, and live off the muscle when you have to kind of thing. But I do have great fears of messing around with physiologies, since one small change can kill a being. But yeah, more natural muscle would be nice :)

  14. i vote for indestructible knees.  my cartilage seems to have disappeared long before i was finished walking.

  15. They could be able to grow avocados in their..ehhrr...sanctuary

  16. um, even if someone does suggest a physical change for the human race, what are the chances that anyone will accept that? these days, change is what people hate the most. more than that,they'd get mad & kill the person.

  17. 2007 saw the first departure from previous International Standard

    in manufacturing of condoms.  Spearheaded by India and copied

    six months later by Asia the condom supply for 2008 now offers

    two sizes.  The original size was designed to fit mainly Northern

    European and exported around our planet.  The 'one size fits all'

    marketing concept.  Not everyone was found equal.  Part of prior

    Asian population growth problems stems from failure of condons

    as made available to properly protect users.  Reader is cautioned

    to first read the country of origin upon condom packaging as any

    Northern European who expands an Indian made product is in a

    prospective world of hurt.  In Asia today being small is better.  

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