
Can you suggest some good lines that can be said on a teacher's farewell?

by Guest56896  |  earlier

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Can you suggest some good lines that can be said on a teacher's farewell?




  1. we may go on separate ways, but you will stay in our hearts always...


  2. I must congratulate you on your devotion to duty yes you have managed to pass your knowledge onto us in your care and we will make as good use of it as you have in your teaching us good luck wherever you go ~~

  3. you have done more than just taught me, you have given me guidance and made me realize many key life skills.

  4. You have influenced us in such a way that when we look back on our school days, we will realize that we are better educated and better people because we had you as our teacher.

  5. thank you for teaching me...i really found what you taught interesting and the yway u taught etc lol;...

    answers anyone?

  6. Teacher! u made me what I'm today.....

  7. It depends on how close you are to the teacher. But I am partial to Best Wishes or Good Luck. If you're close, I choose Best wishes to you and your family. I wish you a happy and safe journey.

  8. "Spitwad has left the building."


    1.When God created teachers,

    He gave us special friends

    To help us understand His world

    And truly comprehend

    The beauty and the wonder

    Of everything we see,

    And become a better person

    With each discovery.

    When God created teachers,

    He gave us special guides

    To show us ways in which to grow

    So we can all decide

    How to live and how to do

    What's right instead of wrong,

    To lead us so that we can lead

    And learn how to be strong.

    Why God created teachers,

    In His wisdom and His grace,

    Was to help us learn to make our world

    A better, wiser place.


    Paint their minds

    and guide their thoughts

    Share their achievements

    and advise their faults

    Inspire a Love

    of knowledge and truth

    As you light the path

    Which leads our youth

    For our future brightens

    with each lesson you teach

    Each smile you lengthen

    Each goal you help reach

    For the dawn of each poet

    each philosopher and king

    Begins with a Teacher

    And the wisdom they bring

  10. Even though you will be far away we feel close to you in our hearts.

  11. good luck in the future

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