
Can you suggest some really good books for under 2's please?

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I am looking for a range. Also any books that are for slightly older preschoolers but could be shared with babies and toddlers.

Thank you :)




  1. many of the books that are enjoyed by older preschoolers are available in the heavy cardboard version for infants and toddlers.  try looking for some of the ones for the older child and then look for the cardboard ones......brown bear, brown bear and other eric carle books all come that way, or try goodnight moon, ...or runaway bunny.....or any simple single word and object books or even ones with counting or colors or shapes they all come in sets of 5 or 6...... from a speech therapist i once worked with remember to try to choose books with actual photos or as close as possible for at least the first three years, then reality is easier for the child to deal with for actual vocabulary and language skill to develop

  2. One of the all time best that I could ever suggest is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

    My son loved this book from the time he was an infant and still does at the age of 4.  He began reconginzing the colors around 18 mths to knowing them all by age 2.  Now he "reads" the book to me from memory, and is remembering what the words "you" and "see" look like.

    I would suggest this book for all of the age ranges that you have mentioned.  From babies who are learning, to pre-k aged tots that feel proud when they can point out the different colors and animals. This book would be the must have for any collection. Check it out, you will really like it.

  3. Anything from Usborne Books!  This company specializes in educational books for kids of all ages, and kids love them!  Check them out, or order, at

    You can search by age, subject and more.  Kids under 2 especially seem to like the books with tabs on the sides, as they are easy to open.  Also, check out This is My Puppy, the That's Not My .... series, Noisy Town, and the flap books like Animal Hide and Seek.  Happy shopping!

  4. There's a series of flap books called: Peek-a-Moo, Peek-a-

    Zoo, Peek-a-Pet and Peek-a-Choo.  They're short and the flaps give the kids something to do.  They have simple sounds or words for the kids to imitate. I like them for my group of 2 yr olds with autism, who have a hard time sitting.

  5. "the rainbow fish" in the cardboard version, it's a really good book about sharing, older kids can enjoy the story and younger kids can enjoy the colors and the pictures!

    "the three little pigs" they enjoy the repetition, even if they don't completely understand the meaning of it, they like to repeat the 'not by the hair of my chinny chin chin' part!

    "the gingerbread men" again, they enjoy repeating the 'run run as fast as you can' part.

    Try to find books with short, simple stories but bot'n necessarily go for books with only pictures and no story, they get bored with them pretty easily!!!

  6. Any Dr. Seuss or fairy tales are good at that age.

  7. Dr. seuss books, clifford and eric carl books. Pretty much any book that has a lot of pictures. Children love books with picutres!

  8. Dr Seuss books are pretty good for kids of all ages.

  9. Fun with spot. Clifford the big red dog. Easy rhyming animal books.

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