
Can you suggest some ways to make a commercial building energy and environment friendly?

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A commercial building project is going to be launched in INDIA in April / May 08. With the resources available locally, what can be done to make it energy and environment friendly.




  1. Geez how about solar on the roof and sky light dome for starters. facing south for lighting will only make the bldg hotter and use more energy for cooling wtf.. plant plenty of big trees and remember that if you are putting computers they get pretty hot. They need to be isolated into one area. high ceiling and ventilation is a key factor as well....I have more but my consultation will cost$

  2. Will it be air conditioned?   If it gets cold during the winter there, they can buy a snow maker and make slushy snow in a deep hole with AC pipes in it.   Cover it up with an insulating layer and it will last throughout the summer and cut the AC costs drastically.   A few buildings in US are using the technology.

  3. Depends on a number of factors. What is the size of the building, where is it being built, what are the local building codes, what purpose is the building serving, what is the local climate... etc.

    Do a google search for "LEED ceritfication", and this program will give you all the information you need.

    My quick tips would be to orient the building facing south to take advantage of natural light, properly insulate it, install a "green roof", and install bike racks in front of the building. I'd need more info about the building site for anything more specific.

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